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Braindumps, Testking, Transcenders etc 3

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Technical User
Oct 2, 2003
Some of u have stated that its ok to use transcenders and other prep exams like them. But some of u have also stated that those prep exams had alot of questions if not more than 50% on the ms certs. So my question is, whats the difference, or the problem with using those but no braindumps? Arent they all the same?

thank u for your replies:)
My experience is transcenders are reliable. Not only make those exams but allso study the remarks after you completed an exam. They provide loads of info on the topic you prepare for. They allso let you get aqainted with the way of questioning.

Braindumps however are NOT reliable: they are posts from people who have done an exam and wrote down what questions they got and the answers they thought were the right ones. Since they don't know what their scoring percentage was you jus don't know if those answers are correct.
One is legal, and one isn't. Braindumps are for cheaters. They are explicitly against Microsoft policy.
I do agree with you on wheter useing or not the braindumps, but calling it legal or illegal that's a bit black and white. Why would a braindump be illegal and troytech and even transcender be legal?

And about Microsoft policy? Are they goin to pay my salary? Guess not! I am old and wise enough to be able to make a difference in learning methods and passing the exams. Bottom line ALLWAYS will be: make yourself a PRO. And the only way of doing that is get yourself the knowledge of how to do your things and get loads of experiance with it. (you don't learn to drive a car from a textbook, you don't learn to manage a network from a textbook either.)

From my experiance over the last 5 years is you learn the most by being eager.

And again about the textbook part (wich IS a part of the certifying track), my advise is to use decent studyguides wich are easy to read and understand. Personally I use the SYbex studyguides. Since English is not my native language I need easy reading books. The Sybex books are allmost as easy to read as the dummies series, but I think they cover in more detail the things you have to know to manage a network (and pass the exams)
The problem with most MS exams is that they seem to focus around working in a large organization. If your stuck in a smaller company there is no way for you to get experience or simulate some of the tasks that MS will ask you on an exam.
Before taking an exam I experiment with the stuff I'm studing at work and at home, I always get a MSpress or sybex book and read it and when i think I'm ready I buy a studyguide online the week before the exam to help me with those questions I can not work through at home. I dont have 3 servers to practice replication or set up multiple domains at home and for some reason the people at work dont want me crashing their servers to practice restoration procedures.
Now dont get me wrong, I think anyone who just buys the studyguide and takes the exam is a cheater and his certifications wont do him any good when he gets fired from every job because he lacks any real IT skill. But I dont have a problem using the guides right before the test to help you through the bogus situation questions that you will never see happen in the real world.
My opinion differs on the Cisco exams, Cisco exams are geared for the real world and if you can work through the book and can do the exercises then you dont need a guide.

A+, Net+, Security+, CCNA, MCSA, MCSE (working on CCNP)
[geting offtopic]
On the other hand... in small organisations, you probably have more rights to do things they ask for the exams. Due to a smaller IT department there will be an all-do-all-jobs policy (at least where i have been working) If you are in a VERY large company, you don't get the permissions to do _all_ the administration on the servers.
[/getting offtopic]
"it legal or illegal that's a bit black and white. Why would a braindump be illegal and troytech and even transcender be legal?"

Because braindumps rely on people memorizing questions from the exam, and then posting them. That means, actually test questions are on braindumps. This is explicitly against the agreement people accept when taking an exam.

Transcender has a team of people developing questions based on the material and objectives Microsoft says is going to be covered. These are not actually test questions. Yes, sometimes they are close, but that is because there are only so many ways to ask a question on material.

"And about Microsoft policy? Are they goin to pay my salary? Guess not!"

Just becuase they are not going to pay your salary, I don't beleive that give you the right to cheat on their tests. The SAT board didn't pay my salary, but I didn't cheat. But hey, to each his own.

The more people that pass them, the less the test means to potential employers. So by promoting braindumps, you are in fact hurting yourself. But another way to look at is, MCSE or not, most of the tasks today can be performed by some fresh kid, at a salary way lower than yours.
OK why are braindumps illegal? Is it illegal to get a copy of the final exam in your senior year of college and memorize all the questions and answers? Probably not, but it is unethicial and it is called cheating!

If you did this what would the college do? Probably flunk you and kick you out of college. Microsoft can and I bet would do the same exact thing.

What would your employer (or potential employer) do if they found out you cheated on your certification? Do you think they would trust you (if they decided to keep you)

Bottom line, if you know your stuff, work with the products, ask questions, read books, use a legal testing software, or a combination of the above you should be able to pass.

this is what im doing. i have a copy of microosft press mcse tool kit. ive been reading it for 2 months now , doing all the practise exercises at the end of each chapter. before i take the exam i would like to hook up with trascenders and do a sim test. am I paper mcp?
You go the right way bubba, KNOW your stuff is most important. And be sure you know WHY you know your stuff: for yourself and nobody else!.

You certify because it will get YOU further in a very interesting job. In the end you have to stand for your actions taken in a real life network environment. (and believe me, you will be judged on them!) If you are a so called "paper" mcse, and got your certificates through using troytec and braindump (i just put these together because they are more or less the same except for with troytech you know it is the correct answer and with braindump you don't) you will not succeed in the though IT world.

I don't want to promote braindumps. Using them i don't want to call illegal or cheating either. Just want to point out you do the track for yourself and you have to figure out what you need: the certificate or the knowledge.
While trancenders and troytec are best if you really want to learn remember they have teams behind them to make sure the answers and explanations are correct. ( Althought they have been wrong) They get you to think through the questions.
Braindumps are unreliable at best. as far as leagal.... you do sigh a contract that states you will not divulge nay information disseminated through the testing.

I never know my limitations until I exceed them
between transcenders, troytec and testking which one would u choose. Transcneders seems popular but expensive. If i buy troytec which is cheaper will i get the eqaul product to transcenders??
No you don't.

troytec will not explain in dept why an answer is wrong or right. Transcender does.

Testking will have an explanation too and allso a (very brief) summary on what topics a certain exam is about.

My advise is:
- To LEARN your exam: Setup a lab of 2 servers/workstations and try all situations you run into in your studyguide. (Or 1 workstation and use something like vmware to create multiple virtual machines, but this is a costly application).
Buy a COMPLETE studyguide (like sybex or MS Press) Personally I prefer Sybex because it is really easy to read and understand.

- To test if you are ready for an exam (and get some exams that are real close to the real exam itself, use either transcender or testking. On this i prefer transcender because it is closest to what you get on your exam because it allso is computer based.
Here is how I see it, and u will have your own opinion. Braindumps are in two groups...the ones where they try to remember everything which means you are relying on someone elses memory on the Q&A. The others are where they stole the actual exams, and those in my idea are illegal as heck. M$ says both are illegal, but I disagree...just won't tell them that. I work for a local cable company and my boss is real cool, but he told me to think about it this way.

People who steal cable service steal from me, because if they don't pay for service, I might not have a job, and if no one paid for it I definatley wouldn't have a job. SO M$ is big and people steal from them, but that don't make it right. You wouldn't have a job if your company couldn't sell its product or service, so why support companies that steal...seems pretty clear to me, but lots of guys just don't care...and that is an ethical thing
just to throw fat on the fire.....
you can get mock tests on p2p...

and you can also look at the price of MS courses in test centres...
my company paid for me to pass 5 weeks in centre + 8 MCPs = 6500€...

if i was by myself, no way could i have paid that myself.....

afterwards the centre has staff and premises to pay etc etc..
but when compared to other training courses, IT is very expensive!

Aftertaf (david)
MCSA 2003

I just passed my A+ OS exam yesterday. I barely passed with a 522 of a required to pass 505. But, what the hell, I passed....Yeah Me. I had used Test King to study hard for the exam. I had a 30 day online testing engine with them, and used at least twice a day for the whole 30 days. I was passing the testing engines regularly. I felt I was ready for the exam in the prometrics room. Got to the exam, and found that less than 50% of the questions were ones that I had seen. Moral of this story is to not rely heavly on Test King for the A+OS test.

I will say, however, that for the Net + exam, the test king was nearly 90% of what I saw on the test. and also, the percentage seemed to by higher for the A+ hardware.

Now that I am A+ and Net+ certified, I need to do two things. I am going to start my studying for my MCSE and I need to get a job. Does anyone out their know where I can get free XP (70-270) study guides. I have a windows 2000 book from Thompson Prometrics, But I was hoping to do the xp test instead (XP is what I am using at home)

Thank you for your help

My experience with 70-270 was that it was far easier than any other Microsoft exam in the MCSA/MCSE track. The MS Press book for 70-270 and the included 'Readiness Review' material should be enough for you to pass.

A+, Network+, MCSA 2003 certified
I also need the study guides for exam 70-270 from Test King.. Anyone can help?? Send it to my mail.. Thanks!!

You certainly don't 'need' the Test King for 70-270 in order to pass. If you have the MS Press book, you already have enough practice material to study. If not, there are some good suggestions above, which IMO are superior to Test King.

A+, Network+, Security+, MCSA 2003 certified
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