Hi I have recently upgraded our companies ISP from a 1/4 T1 to a Full T1. I have also changed ISP carriers and installed a PIX firewall. I am running NT 4 with Exchange 5.5. DNS is hosted localy and all ports are open to the email server.
The issue is emails sent to us are usually delayed, it is like they try to deliver but bounce and eventualy when the ISP retrys the email they get delivered. I see this especially when mail is sent from MSN. I see email delivering 1 hour to 1 day later after orginaly sent. I have been told that the issue may be that our server can't handle all the mail being sent to it at the new ISP speed. IS that possible ?? My memory is a little low and it does have a 10 mbs NIC, but the server is a dual PII server with plent of HD space. Internet access is great as well as sending email. We have about 125 users.
Anyone can you help??? Any exchange settings I can check, tests to narrow the problem?
I am still wondering if it could be DNS or the PIX firewall. I have mostly ruled these out since if there was a problem with DNS or the Firewall we should not get any email.
Thanks in advance for any advice.