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Boot Problems!

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Technical User
Dec 6, 2002
Okay, I have an DFI infinity AD77 Pro with a 2100XP and 512 of samsung PC2700 Mem, with a geforce 4 ti4800. Heres the problem, my computer will only start and pass POST 1 out of ten times I hit the switch. Everything powers up just no POST and no screen/BIOS nothing. Just fans and harddrives spinning. I have used two video cards, two motherboards, two types of memory, two monitors, ran the system/motherboard outside the case, two power supplies. It has me stummped as to what the problem could be.

I have the latest BIOS update and the latest video drivers. Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi there,

the problem could be one of your drives (CD or HD) or the cable connecting them...

I had the same prob awhile ago and had me stumped aswell... until the HD died and replaced it with another one and the prob disappeared with my system...

So replacing the cable and/or trying another harddrive could well be your next step into trying to cure your ails...

hope this helps...

The last time i experienced this, it was a bad CDROM. The next time it wont post, try opening the CD tray and see if it will finish posting. In my case this would let the machine go ahead and boot everytime. My cure was to replace the CD and all has been well since. Good luck, and Happy Computing
When I ran the system out of the case there were no cd-roms drives attached and It still would do the same. I have swapped out the IDE cables going to the hard drive and cd rom drives, still the same. Next I will try and download some maxtor hard drive utility programs and try to check the integrity of my hard drive.. Other than that I am open to any other comments. Thanks for your guys reply.

AMD XP's can be finicky about PSU's. Are the two you are using AMD certified?

- Zych
another thing you might wanna look at is if the CPU heatsink is correctly seated, aswell as enough paste or to much in use, or if the CPU in use is shot... other than that I've no usefull information as to what could cause the the problems you are experiencing...

Have you tried a different power supply? Also, if the PS is new, double check the switch on the back (if present) that allows you to switch between 220v and 110v. Mudskipper
Groucho said it best- "A four year-old child could understand this!
Quick! Run out and find me a four year-old child: I can't make heads nor tails out of this!"
Hey All,

I have tried two different power supplys. (300 watt and 400watt). Zych I am assuming you mean power supply unit when you say "PSU", but you refer to me using two.. Maybe you are refering to something else other than power supply? Mudskipper the power supply voltage is set to the correct voltage(110v). It is possible that it could be the CPU, I bought it used and at the same time the problems first started happening when I had my previous gigabyte board.

Thank you all for your expertise, I hope its not the CPU, that would give me a good excuse to go and buy a 2600XP(Barton) 333fsb.... :)

Excuse me--didnt' read well enough to see that you had tried the two different ones.... [hammer]

Yeah, PSU is "Power Supply Unit".

Could be CPU..... BTW -- when you tried everything outside of the case, did you have all of the front panel connectors off (and turned it on by shorting out the power on pins)? Mudskipper
Groucho said it best- "A four year-old child could understand this!
Quick! Run out and find me a four year-old child: I can't make heads nor tails out of this!"
HI mudskipper,

No I dont not do it that way.. But I will. Thank you for your insight. I have tried two different hard drives and that did not resolve the issue. A friend of mine has a 2100Xp and I will try that in my systme first.. Once agian thank you. I will keep you guys posted.

oh I forgot one thing that also happened to me...

the ATX powerplug to the MoBo could be loose and produce the same symptoms... one boot out of 5 to 10...

hope you find the problem... and get it sorted out TPINKY...

greets Ben
Try removing ALL ide cables and boot from a floppy. Also take out all cards except the video. You will then have eliminated many reasons the system could fail.
Hey all,

I borrowed my friends 2100XP and everything works fine.. I put my 2100XP back in and it did not boot correctly for about an hour. I purchased a 2500XP Barton for my system. Thanks for your help once again..

Glad it is working--thanks for posting back and letting us know!

Good call, BigBadBen! Mudskipper
Groucho said it best- "A four year-old child could understand this!
Quick! Run out and find me a four year-old child: I can't make heads nor tails out of this!"
Hi all,

if one can learn out of mistakes that one has made, then this is true wisdom... if one can pass on this learned wisdom to others, than this is the wisest thing a person can do...


PS - no philosopher... just passing on information where I had been helped before on other things...
You sound pretty savvey so you may have aready checked but if not then check your bios to see if the drive parameters are exact. If not you could get the problem you have been
I have almost the same question so instead of creating another thread I'll post on this one..
I trying to repair a computer HP pavilion with an intel celeron 1200, It just goes to a blank screen with the pointer on the middle right after the win xp logo. it look simple to me he had nothing important on the computer so i just restore all the software from the restore disks, guess what? same problem change the hard drive, removed cards cdrom and modem and still does the same thing tried to install just win xp pro and nothing!! never had this problem before so i can use alittle no a LOT of help.

tamaro -- I think that you would be better off starting your own thread on this one.... Go for it! Mudskipper
Groucho said it best- "A four year-old child could understand this!
Quick! Run out and find me a four year-old child: I can't make heads nor tails out of this!"
Hey all,

Update on the 2500XP Barton chip.. Sweet is all I got to say. System runs fine on the first start now.. Of course now that I said that it wont boot again. :) Anyways the chip uped my 3DMark2001 benchmark a 1000 points. Thanks for all your help gentleman..

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