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Boot Menu Keeps Coming Up 2

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Apr 3, 2000
This question has been hashed around in this forum a number of times according to a keyword search, but none of the threads pertain to the problem that I am encountering. Despite being shut down properly, Win98 continues to come up to the boot menu. Isn't there a temp file that Windows looks for while booting to determine if it was shut down properly? Where might I look for it? Is this the problem?
Normally this is do to your MSDOS.SYS file. Open this file in Notepad. And look for a command called BootMenu=1. This should actually read BootMenu=0 You'll have to change the read-only attributes in order to save the changes though.

Also try looking for a file in the root of your boot drive. Filename Winboot.ini or Winboot.sys. If found open this file in notepad. It should contain the same content as the MSDOS.SYS file did. Be sure it has the command BootMenu=0 also and not BootMenu=1 Note that this file is not always there. As a matter a fact I've only see it popup once on a persons machine that was always booting to DOS. Which also has to do with the MSDOS.SYS file.

Regards Please provide feedback, good or bad.
And I'm always open to new suggestions or ideas.

Ajnin's correct.

I think this does the same thing, maybe a little easier.

Go to Start>Run, type msconfig, click the Advanced button and uncheck Enable Startup Menu.

Both of the above posts are excellent. They are two different ways to solve the same problem. Thanx. The lesser of the problems is to figure why something triggered the initial action (always boot to the menu) other than a conscious user decision.
Sometimes a faulty installation can cause this problem. Usually it happens if the PC freezes during a program setup. Please provide feedback, good or bad.
And I'm always open to new suggestions or ideas.

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