Every now and then I will get a total blue screen, The only way to get out of it is to hold the off button in on the computer to turn it off,it had two lines of technical stuff that I can't read but here it is maybe some of you can make use of it,
STOP:0x0000008E (0x000001D 0xF86EC6E 0xF80418FC 0x00000000)
Win32K.SYS-ADDRESS BF86EC86E BASE AT BF800000 DATE STAMP 43446a58 And that is what it says talks about maybe driver problem but not how to find it any help would be great....Thanks RED
STOP:0x0000008E (0x000001D 0xF86EC6E 0xF80418FC 0x00000000)
Win32K.SYS-ADDRESS BF86EC86E BASE AT BF800000 DATE STAMP 43446a58 And that is what it says talks about maybe driver problem but not how to find it any help would be great....Thanks RED