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Blocking Chat program 3

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Jan 27, 2004
Hi there everybody,

My problem deals with people who use my home computer extremely for chat programs. When I am at work, people tend to log onto various messengers and chat programs to chat all day. They have no knowledge on Information Security and are stupid enough to accept files from unknown users.

I have a Windows XP based PC connected via cable modem. I have the Windows firewall setup, and I dont have a router or hub connected as its only one computer.

Please tell me a way from blocking the users from using Yahoo chat or even ways to block user from using MSN or Yahoo messenger.

I dont want to password protect my computer because the user would get the wrong idea and they need to use it for e-mail and other purposes. But I get ticked off when they can sit and chat for 5 hours straight and expose my PC to all the threats in the world.

Any help would be appreciated.
Tell them not to use it and if they continue then password the pc until they learn.

Like I said I want too avoid putting a password on it until I really need to.

Isn't there a software that would solve my problem?
Sure there is...use Google.
"chat blocker software" or "internet chat filtering" as search terms bring up many hits. You're looking for third-party solutions...

"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds." - Malaclypse the Younger

Install the Kerio personal firewall, free for home use, and only authorise applications that you want to be able to connect outbound, then password protect Kerio setup.
There will be no password to gain access to the PC, but anybody who installs unauthorised software that tries to connect out will not be able to get it to work.

Thanks jrbarnett!!

Can you please let me know where I can get this product from?
I like the idea of unplugging the cable modem and taking it to work with you.

Or, if you like a more direct method, unplug the cable modem, and beat the offending friend/family member over the head with it repeatedly until they promise to never do it again.

Or, password-protect your Owner (assuming administrator level) account so that only you can use it, then enable the Guest account and make sure it's got the Restricted Privileges. That way, someone -can- use it to chat, but the computer -should- be safe from any system-wide harm.

I like the cable-modem-to-work idea best myself ;-)

A simple fix would be to deny all traffic, both in and out,on all ports except to services you must have such as web and email.

Information on manually configuring XP Firewall:

Port table:

Some ports to pay attention to:
Kazaa - TCP/UDP 1214
MSN Messenger - TCP/UDP 1863
Yahoo Messenger Chat - TCP 5000-5001 UDP 5000-5010
Yahoo Games - TCP/UDP 11999
IRC Chat - TCP/UDP 6665-6669

Hopefully you can fix your user problem :) Good Luck!

Texas Sasquatch...

Gooney goo goo!
TexasSasquatch posts is excellent, except for one detail:

MSN Messenger will move to port 80 after it fails on 1863. Most companies can't really block that port. I ended up banning a range of addresses that, so far, has caused no problems:

See : Thread96-807081

"In space, nobody can hear you click..."
What's the OS? If it's W2K or later, create user accounts and don't allow others to access the messanger programs. Give them limited privelages.

Glen A. Johnson
If you're from Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin feel free to join the Tek-Tips in Chicago, Illinois Forum.

Johnson Computers
RedLefty, I didnt know that MSN will move to 80...thats some sneaky crap. Thanks for the heads up. I personally found your advice excellent from the thread you linked to.

This might not be the perfect solution, but for now, it works for me. I simply ban the following address range on my firewall from going outbound: -

All Microsoft sites that I use still work.. but you might want to do more extensive tests.

I think this will help all the way around.

Texas Sasquatch...

Gooney goo goo!
Thx ReddLefty, didn't know about moving to port 80 - which is a not to block port.
Good idea to just disallow access to the IPs of Messenger...


I did not know about Messenger moving on port 80 also until that thread. AWONG posted that he though it moved to port 80, so I tested it, and indeed, it did. (sneaky little devil)...

All those posts talk about stopping it at the O/S level (Registry Hacks and banning .EXE's), but I looked over my shoulder to my Linux admin and he's running AMSN (Linux version of MSN) which can only be stopped at the firewall level... that is why I did that extensive research to find the IP range to block because it was the only way to stop EVERYONE.

"In space, nobody can hear you click..."
Great work! Now, if I can just find a way to stop all the spyware and idiot users....

Texas Sasquatch...

Gooney goo goo!
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