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Blank page at end of report?

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Mar 8, 2002
Hello All,
Perhaps someone has run into this before and has the solution. I have a very simple report that I've created with a report header and detail section showing, nothing else. Basically I have a number parameter that the user will enter a number that will limit the number of pages displayed.. A simple formula of : {?page}<=PageNumber is placed in the section expert detail portion. The correct number of pages shows with data, but there is always an extra page following that is blank. I've made sure that &quot;keep together&quot; is checked off, and that all sections are suppressed except for the report header and detail section. Any input on this would be appreciated! It sounds like i am missing something small here.
Thanks! Seagate Certified RCAD Specialist.
-Bruce Thuel-Chassaigne
I've had similar nuisances...check that you don't have a New Page After checked.

If that doesn't work, try limiting to just the header, then the detail, then your data to one record and see if it still happens, the good news is that you don't have much to worry over.
If synapsevampire's suggestions aren't what you need, I would try putting your conditinal supression formula in all the sections. It sounds like it is supressing only the details based on the parameter.
Hi All,
Thanks for the suggestions, as it currently stands, I have already suppressed all other sections completely except for the report header, and even if i suppress the report header, i still get a blank page following.. New page after is not checked as well. Try the formula on a multi-page sample report and i am betting it will happen to you too =)
Utterly confused to why this is occuring, i hope to find a workaround to this, but it might have something to do with the pagemnumber function and when you use that in conditional suppression formatting of sections. I realize this is not a report-threatening behaviour, but it is annoying nonetheless =)
-Bruce Seagate Certified RCAD Specialist.
-Bruce Thuel-Chassaigne
perhaps what is happening is that the suppress formula is being evaluated &quot;after&quot; the page has increased beyond the allowed number of pages.

ie. it has already advanced to {?page} + 1

don't know if reversing the formula would work...seems backward to me...seems like you WANT the pagenumber to be
{?page} + 1 before the condition kicks in using


really you want to catch this at one detail line before you increment the pagenumber one too far....this is not a Crystal bug...it is evaluating the formula properly.

if you knew how many lines per page you were printing then you could put a linecounter in the detail section and modify your suppress formula such that it would start the suppression (assuming 50 lines/page of output)

numberVar linecounter;
PageNumber = {?page} and linecounter = 50;

that would work I bet (you would have to insert this condition into the linecounter formula to prevent it from incrementing further)
Hi jim and kai,
Well, suppress blank section doesn't hide the last blank page for me either. ;) Jim.. the formula does look backward, but it doesn't work if you try it the other way around (test and see =) The number of pages coming back isn't the issue here, it is the blank page at the end of the report that is causing the problem. counting details isn't the solution either in this case as it can't account for the report header which will occur on the first page. The issue (always nicer to say issue instead of &quot;bug&quot;) is the blank page appearing.. formula logic would say that if the pagenumber reads 5.. then details should show up on page 5 if your parameter was set to 5.. this is not the case. the report shows details to page 4.. though for example a page header would work properly to page 5.. the issue lies within the detail section not interpreting the suppression formula properly it seems.
Seagate Certified RCAD Specialist.
-Bruce Thuel-Chassaigne
I don't think so...since in order for the formula to work


crystal has to be on the spurious blank page...you have to catch it one line earlier

&quot;counting details isn't the solution either in this case as it can't account for the report header which will occur on the first page. &quot;

Sure it can...if it is pagenumber = 1 then perhaps the linecount would be different but it should be reproducible...yes??

As for the other pages the line count should be the same...unless of course group headers mess it up...

if it is clean (ie simple reproducible line counts then you should have no trouble stopping one line short of adding a blank page with suitable formulas


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Hmmmmm, I had the same thing hapening, but once I clicked suppress blank section the page disappeared. Try creating a quick report from scratch and see if my findings don't hold up, I just tried it again and it worked...

Hence your error is unrepeatedable, and therefore does not exist ;)

OK, that's contractor speak for well shoot hot dang dipstick, I dunno...


Since I can repeat the observation, but selecting suppress blank section eliminates it, I'd guess that something else in your environment/report is causing it. kai@informeddatadecisions.com
try this code in your group footers new page after section

I've had this happen to me also. Are all your sections that are partially in use set to &quot;fit to section&quot;? Have to make sure that your fields are at the top so that the blank area is at the bottom. RMC and select &quot;fit section&quot;.

Also, if you have entire sections you are not using, and are not size correctly it would allow extra pages. Check the report and page footer area.

Hope this helps.


I just had this last week. In Access it mean't page was too large - check out page size (8x11), margin size.
I solved mine by going to file/page setup and unchecking bottom 'use default margin' and made my top and bottom margins 0.17 and that got rid of my extra back page.
This one intrigued me, so I spent some time testing it. I agree with Jim. It has to start the page to get to the point of suppression. At that point the page exists. If you suppress everything on that page you get a blank page.

synapsevampire, I couldn't get your suggestion to make a difference. What section did you change the property on? Ken Hamady, On-site Custom Crystal Reports Training & Consulting
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Since the blank page doesn't show anything on the left margin, I think the details are already suppressed based on the condition. Also, the section isn't blank (it has fields in it) so this shouldn't have any effect.

In any case, it doesn't work for me either. Ken Hamady, On-site Custom Crystal Reports Training & Consulting
Public classes and individual training.
Guide to using Crystal in VB
Hmmm, odd.

I just tried it at home and my solution didn't appear to work, either I'd done something different, or my work system has something different...I'll have a look mid-week when I return.

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