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BKO command fails with PCMCIA Card

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Apr 25, 2002
We are trying to backup an Option 11C to a PCMCIA card using the BKO[/b] command in LD 43. For some reason the Option 11 does not recognize the PCMCIA card in either slot. Are their any special requirements on PCMCIA cards for Option 11C?

The PCMCIA card we are using works in Windows 2000 and 98. The card is an Epson 240 MB Type II which is formated to FAT.
Try using the archive command rather then the BKO
If you formatted the card in win2000 it won't work, reformat in win98 then try it.
I have a PCMCIA CompactFlash Card (64MB), can you use this in an Option 11 to save CDR data to it for Telecom Billing usuage for later retrieval?

Thanks Lynch
Williams Cos.
Voice Operations
I have similar problem and I have yet to find a solution. I read somewhere that the MFG of the card must be listed in an internal DataBase in the Nortel in order to work. Now I just need to figure out how to add SanDisk into the Nortel database.

I don't know this to be fact but then again, nobody has offered me any other solutions or ideas.

I have the same issue. I have tried both the ver 5 and ver 6 Card Pro and my results are as follows;
>ld 43
Starting database backup to PCMCIA drive b:
c:/u/db/config.rec ok
c:/u/db/database.rec ok
c:/u/db/inet.db ok
c:/u/db/mob_data.db FAILED
c:/u/db/mud.db FAILED
TEMU112 Error occured backing up external data base
Check that PCMCIA data drive is properly inserted
LD 143 is the load and the command is UPGRADE.

I don't have the complete procedure in front of me now, but I will try to get you in the right direction. Also not all PC CompactFlash Cards are compatible. You also must use card 0 port 0 for the UPGRADE command. Ld 43 BKO command is for TAPE drive units.

USE LD 143

Verify Security ID: 10040578

Software Installation Main Menu :
1. New Install or Option 11/11E Upgrade - From Software DaughterBoard
2. System Upgrade
3. Utilities
4. New System Installation - From Software Delivery Card
[q]uit, [h]elp or [?], <cr> - redisplay

TYPE 3 for utilities
Enter Selection : 3

Utilities Menu :
1. Restore backed Up Database
2. Archive Database Utilities
3. Install Archived Database
4. Review Upgrade Information
5. Clear Upgrade Information
6. Undo Installation
7. Flash Boot ROM Utilities
8. Current Installation Summary
[q]uit, [p]revious, [m]ain menu, [h]elp or [?], <cr> - redisplay

TYPE 2 for Archive Utilities

Enter Selection :2

Customer Database Archives:
1. List customer databases.
2. Remove customer database.
3. Archive a customer database.
[q]uit, [p]revious, [m]ain menu, [h]elp or [?], <cr> - redisplay

TYPE 1 to list current backup's if you want to.
Enter Selection : 1

Customer Database Archives:
1. List customer databases.
2. Remove customer database.
3. Archive a customer database.
[q]uit, [p]revious, [m]ain menu, [h]elp or [?], <cr> - redisplay

TYPE 3 to Archive a database:

Enter Selection : 3

Customer Database Archives:
1. List customer databases.
2. Remove customer database.
3. Archive a customer database.
[q]uit, [p]revious, [m]ain menu, [h]elp or [?], <cr> - redisplay

I have used this many times and have also restored using the same procedure.

Good luck.
I have a relatively new system and I can't get the darn card to work either. The first problem occurs when I install the card into the slot. The 11c complains about the card.

When I use the LD 143 routine, it refuses to accept a name for the database. I've been lead to believe that the OS doesn't know how to handle the card or it needs to be explicitly listed in the OS database of acceptable equipment.

If anyone finds an anwswer, I'd love to hear about it.

The card cannot be slot to the system all the time. The last time I have it slot into the system before typing LD 143 and upgrade, I have my system INI. Just take note of this. The reason why it does not accept the card maybe because the card is full I think it only take 10 names at a time.
I had problems too. I found that not all the Compact cards would work. Also there could be a limit on the size of the card (this I don't know). I used a 32 meg and a 64 meg card and they both worked. I had a card that said it was USB compatible and this card would not work. One brand that I can remember was Viking. The IBM micro drive will not work.

As far a naming, can you give me examples of the names you were trying to use? There could be limitations on the names.

If I underdtand this correctly, when using a PCMCIA card in slot B for backup or TBS, you must format it within WIN98 and not WIN2000? Lynch
Williams Cos.
Voice Operations
Good point. I bet you have to format with FAT and not FAT 32.
your pcmcia card is too large. ( and how often have you heard that) for release 21 - 25.30 use a 48 megabit pcmcia card for release 25.40 and above you must use a 64 megabit to 96 megabit pcmcia card. Also you should use load 143 to perform an archive.
I wasn't ever able to find a true PCMCIA memory card. People keep telling me that I have to use a FLASH MEMORY card that fits into a PCMCIA frame. Right now, I'm using a Kingston frame with a 64 meg Kingston flash memory card and I formated it from a Win'98 machine to make sure it wasn't Win'2000. Maybe I need to try another FLASH MEMORY card from another vendor? As for the file names, I've tried them all upper case / lower case / numbers / etc. My 11c just doesn't like me.

I think my 11c may have over-heard me as I cursed it under my breath. I've put lots and lots of hours into trying ot make this thing work. I'm starting to think about banishing all electronics from my life and going back to a slide rule.

Good news. We've located the problem. I was using a Kingston PCMCIA case with Kingston Compact Flash memory. It didn't work. Today, I used my Kingston case with Viking Compact Flash memory and things worked. I was able to backup my system to the Viking memory.

It is interesting to note that the 11c is so sensitive to the MFG of the memory card.

Good luck to others.


I returned the Viking memory to the person that loaned it to me for testing. I then tried a SanDisk memory card and it wasn't pretty. I entered the &quot;LD 143&quot; command and at the &quot;.&quot; prompt, I entered &quot;UPGRADE&quot; and the world came apart. The 11c re-boot-ed. After the reboot, I tried again (I never learn from my mistakes so, I must always repeat them). Anyway, the second attempt worked properly. Looks like the SanDisk will work as well but do it in the &quot;off hours&quot; and be prepared for a reboot.

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