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bios update for ms 6161 motherboards 1

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Technical User
Sep 30, 2003

Does anyone have a newr bios for the ms 6161 motherboard?

the version I have is:

Award Modular Bios v5.41 PG

ipex neon (ms 6161) bios v.1.2

I have found version 1.3 on driver guide for an lg ibm machine with the same mobo. the date is november 1999 the bios string is identical. will this work? Also Award bios update site esupport says they have one for $24.95 USD rather dear for AUS does anyone know anything about this version they "have"

I am seeking the update for faster cpu support.

Any help appreciated

thanks I will send 'em an email



would 1.3 fix a shutdown issue i now have since changing from win me tp xp pro i now have to shut the machine down using the power button .


The Advanced Power Management on your motherboard is not up to date enough for XP to do the auto shut down.

If the 1.3 BIOS release date is pre September 2001, then I would suspect that it won't fix it. If you are going to try (do so with caution) you will more then likely have to do a new install Windows XP after you updated it. Your MS-6161 is a LX based chipset, I resently built my father a BX (a newer chipset then the LX) system with the latest BIOS version and Windows XP Pro and it does the same thing. I would not worry to much about having to switch it off by hand.

Goodluck ;)
Hi there, it's funny but according to MSI the latest release of the BIOS is V1.2 ...

can be seen at the following link:

and about the shutdown... it's a problem with the wrong settings...

Hardnox - I got an old board (Slot1 with an adaptercard for Socket370) with the 440LX chipset, albeit its a Gigabyte mobo, and it shuts down no prob what soever using XP...

unfortunately I can't remember where these settings are at... but will look into it and report back...

The 1.3 version was released for a LG IBM system with the same motherboard (Read the very top post) and the BIOS update was available from (found it googling)

The setting you are refering to is the Power Management settings in Windows XP, you will need the correct chipset drivers and a compliant ACPI. Most older motherboards that I have seen where the OS was upgraded to XP needed a BIOS update for the system to auto power off. There are risks in update the BIOS and switching it off by hand is not all that big a deal. However if he can get it to work that would be great too.

The best people too talk to would be MSI, they some times have tweaked BIOS updates that they don't POST and only email by request.
HardKnox, yep to the PowerManagement settings... and I was just going from the MSI Homesite on the BIOS... if someone other updated the BIOS then that's good...

I myself got a MSI board with two diff BIOS files to flash... one is from Siemens it's an Award BIOS and the other is directly from MSI and it's an AMI BIOS... the AMI allows me to overclock the Processor where as the AWARD has more functions... go figure...

It seems we all have differing info. I have a manual for the mobo that says it can only handle 384mb ram from msi yet their updated website says 768mb which is correct?.

there is also a difference in the cpu support the manual says 466 and faster the new site says up to 466 i tried a 733 but no joy so again which is correct?

esupport.com claim to have a newer bios for the board fro $24.95USD but that is a touch pricey in AUD has anyone seen or heard anything of this version?. i will try msi again to see if they can mailout a tweaked version that they have not posted yet.


I'll try to limit the geek speak.

A 733 Celeron or P3 is much to high. The Celeron and P3 733 I think comes in a Green coloured Flip chip (FC-PGA).

I think the highest CPU your M/B might take is a Celeron 566 or a P3 550. What you are looking for is a Slot 1 SEC CPU or a Brown Flip chip. (before you break your piggy bank test it first and make sure to set the FSB and the multiplier to the right settings ;)
Here is a free 1.3 BIOS update download, please note it is for a LG IBM system with the same M/B and I have no way of knowing if this is a good download. Try the CPU's I recommended first.

Remember if you flash with the wrong/bad BIOS your motherboard will not work anymore.
Hi again;

I downloaded the manual for your board, the best FSB is 66MHz and it does not have support for 100MHz or 133MHz FSB's so that means P2 and Celeron's only, so forget about the P3 550MHz. It looks like the multiplier only goes up to 8X so the highest speed Celeron you could put on this board would be a Celeron 533MHz

Hi Hardknox,

am I right in guessing a p2 would work ok?

if so what would be the fastest p2?

it is a socket 370 mobo the fsb overclock options only go to 83mhz i think from memory.(66,68,73,83 i think)

I do have the existing celeron 400 playing ball ok at 411mhz.I thought it may work underclocking a celeron 733 but nope not a hope.

I have got around the limited hdd support by adding a pci ata 133 hdd controller card so i am now running a 7200 rpm 40gb hdd.

what do you make of the conflicting ram info?

would 256mb sticks be ok it is running with 3 pc133 128mb sticks now it has 1 doublesided and 2 single sided.
Thanks for the star ;)
Sheesh all the questions ;P
If you are going over 66MHz FSB then your starting to over clock. Overclocking can cause a unstable Windows and/or damage your processor. Keep with the 66MHz.

The fastest PII I know of is PII 366MHz, I think the Celeron 533MHz will be fastest CPU you could run on this board with the FSB set to 66MHz and the multiplier on 8x
The Celeron 733MHz CPU is not compatible with your board.

Your motherboard does not seem to support 256MB SDRAM modules. If I read the manual right the max amount of RAM you can have on this system is 384MB that translates to 3 x 128MB SDRAM (PC66 or PC100 or PC133 - higher then 66MHz will clock down) Go for the 16 RAM chip double sided SDRAM (8 chips per side) sticks. Watch out for the new SDRAM they have larger memory chips on them that will either not be detected by your system or only half of the RAM will be detected.

the PCI ATA 133 controller card was a good idea.

The starting FSB for a Pentium 3 CPU is 100MHz, from what I read from the manual this motherboard does not support 100MHz FSB, you might get it to work but it will have to be under or over clocked.
Hey no one is perfect... you're right about the FSB on the PIII's... but a Celeron with a fixed FSB of 66mhz should work at any speed (so the 733mhz celeron mentioned earlier should do the trick)...

I've got an old Gigabyte board that says in the manual that it would only go to 650 mhz (either PIII or Celeron) and after the Processor in use died on me I exchanged it for a Celeron 766mhz, thinking what the hell so it will be slower but the price was right at 35 Dollars, and I was surprised as it pops up at the full speed...

No worries Ben, thats what the form is for getting free info..
Stu has tried the 733 Celeron on his mobo with no luck, I my self have a Asus board out of a HP from around the same period that is limited to a Celeron 566. I have tried a Celeron 633 on it with no luck and I even tried under clocking it. The difference that you can see by looking at the two different CPU's are that the older celeron have a thick brown PCB and the new ones have a green thin PCB. I suspect it is to do with a voltage decrease in the newer CPU's that they won't run on the older board.

I have seen this happen with the MS-6368 Ver1 and the MS-6315 Ver1 these can take the brown PCB celerons and the green PCB celerons with the only exception of the Tualatin based celerons (1GHz and higher) that can be ID'd by noting the metal heatsink covering the chip in the center. The Tualatin based celerons have a odd core voltage of 1.47 intead of the normal 1.75 or 1.45.

If you take the MS-6368 Ver5 and MS-6415 Ver5 the older brown PCB Celeron CPU's simply won't work however it will work wih any of the green PCB Celeron's even the Tualatin based celerons.

I wish I could give you something more to work with ;P
me again ,

I have fired off an email to msi on october 2 but the silence has been deafening!

the maximum fsb for the board is 83mhz only seems good to me for overclocking. the system seems fine after 3 weeks running at 411mhz no stability problems at all. If i take it any higher the crappy little cpu fan will have to go though. might have too keep a look out for a 533 celeron i guess.

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