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BIOS Corrupted -- Format Hard Drive? 1

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Jun 19, 2003
Don't laugh, but HP is telling me that they will most likely have to reformat my hard drive when they replace the motherboard. If you agree, I'll slink away...
New custom built PC from HP - 3 weeks old.
Last night their "HP Updates" program ran, downloaded a BIOS update, started the install and then hung.
I talked to HP last night ("your battery is dead.."), and online chat today, but they can't tell me how to fix. They're sending a box for me to return the PC so they can replace the motherboard.
Motherboard: ASUS P5BW-LA; BIOS: Award
I have a ticket open with ASUS asking how to refresh BIOS, plan to call Award when they open in morning. The pc uses SATA drives and I have no PC that will allow me to plug in & backup.
Is there really any valid reason why they would need to format the hard drive? I can MAYBE see an update...
Thank You!

Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.

Is HP replacing the current mobo with an identical one?

Is your HP Recovery Software on a set of factory CD's that came with your PC or is it stored on a Recovery Partition on your hard drive?

Do you have a friend with a PC that will allow you to attach your hard drive so you can get you personal data off?

If they replace the mobo with an identical one and no format you may be ok.

If they replace the mobo with a different one and no format you will have issues.

If they replace the mobo with a different one and your HP Recovery Software is on a CD set you will probably have issues re-installing with them. Not sure if the bios id check exists when they image a recovery partition at the factory.

You need to call and ask them this.

Also, if you create a complete image of your hard drive and then try to restore with a different mobo you will have issues.
They always say that they will probably reformat your hard drive. That's because sometimes, regardless of whatever they're doing, they actually will have to reformat your hard drive and reinstall the factory image. They figure it's best to just tell everybody so that they will be prepared in the event that it happens.

So do yourself a favor and back it up somehow. In EVERY case where you send in a PC for repair, you want to make a backup before sending it off because you have no idea what will happen to it while it is gone. Better safe than sorry.

If you don't have one, you can get an external USB hard disk for around $100 these days that comes with built-in backup functionality.
Hi MaineGeek & kmcferrin,
I just got off the phone with 'Award Software' (BIOS maker) and my only choice is to either ship the PC to HP, or just the BIOS to Award (they will reset BIOS for $89). He said he bet's HP just gives me a different PC instead of trying to fix mine (it's only 3 weeks old, so it better be an IDENTICAL one).
I did purchase a USB hard drive and have a backup of my data files (minus the 100+ emails), so that's not the end of the world. I just get tired of the HP mentality that seems to always: (1) give bad advice, (2) pay for shipping a PC, (3) have some HP robot spend 5 minutes sending me a new PC (rather than 10 minutes to swap hard drives), (4) reinstalling dozens of software programs, etc. etc.

Thank you both for your good advice!

Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.
Another good reason to have a second drive as a data drive. I would never send anything personal like my files out of my control. I would buy & install a new, same model SATA drive in the PC before shipping it back. They probably have the serial# recorded, but it's MY data and THEIR problem.

Good point, Tony. I see I have connectors for four SATA drives.
I sit here fuming as I have now exchanged 6 emails with "HP Total Care" in the past several hours. One says "we will replace your pc"; the latest is "we will repair your pc". I will NOT ship my drives back with that PC. I just sent an email to a neighbor that also has a new HP asking if I can come over and format my two drives if I'm "forced" to send them back (I hear that HP uses proprietary connectors on their SATA drives). I am also dusting off the six-page letter that I wrote 4 years ago about the HP "Lack of Care" and bad advice, but never mailed.
Thank you again for the good suggestion!

Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.
Instead of formatting, I would recommend Darik's Boot & Nuke:

You can connect both drives and DBAN will clean them. It "thoroughly hinders all known techniques of hard disk forensic analysis." It runs from floppy, CD/DVD or bootable USB flash drive. Just remove your friend's hard drive first! I would use labels to be sure which is which.

Good advice Tony -- I just downloaded the tool and will use if I ship back to HP. Latest email from HP says "... it is apparent your issue requires the personal attention of an HP Quality Customer Care representative" and "they will be calling", but I may be a lot older by the time that happens!
Thanks again!

Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.
(I hear that HP uses proprietary connectors on their SATA drives)

SATA drives should all be identical. It is a standard like IDE or PCI.
OMG reset the BIOS for $89? that's the cost of the whole motherboard!

I had a MoBo that the BIOS was corrupted, it was still on warranty, I send the bad one, they send me back a good one, installed, no reconfig of anything (recognized the same HD, RAM, etc.).

Tell HP that's an awful customer service.
Hi, actually the $89 is for a third-party to reload the BIOS, run diagnostics, ship etc. I elected this route because HP was telling me the only way they would repair/replace under warranty was if I sent my hard drives in also -- which is not an option due to confidential information. Plus the fact that HP shipped three different boxes for me to return my pc to someplace in Texas (I live in Maryland!) I'm up to about 17 pages of documentation regarding the poor service / incorrect information from HP that I plan on mailing to them later this week. I will NEVER purchase another HP product and I have started sharing this view with anybody that will listen!

Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.

It was Award who wanted $89 for the new BIOS chip. From the sound of things HP was going to do it all for free under warranty.

Since he's not a customer of Award's, I think that this is fairly reasonable.
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