I’m having some trouble making a coloring interface with a bright-o-meter, meaning when the user finds the right colors the meter goes to a higher position. Here’s were I am so far: -
The problem I’m having is I’m not sure how to make the meter go to the right positions, e.g. when the user colors the shirt in yellow the bright-o-meter goes higher, but if the user colors the shirt in black, the bright-o-meter goes down. Also when all the correct colors have been used the movie jumps to a “well done”/end frame.
If someone could help me on this problem I’d be most grateful.
There's more in heaven and Earth than dreamed of in our philosophy!
The problem I’m having is I’m not sure how to make the meter go to the right positions, e.g. when the user colors the shirt in yellow the bright-o-meter goes higher, but if the user colors the shirt in black, the bright-o-meter goes down. Also when all the correct colors have been used the movie jumps to a “well done”/end frame.
If someone could help me on this problem I’d be most grateful.
There's more in heaven and Earth than dreamed of in our philosophy!