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Big problems with Netscape Navigator 4.7

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
This may seem like a dumb question but I am new to DW and maybe there are a number of elements contributing to the problem. I have just began designing web pages in Dreamweaver 3. When I preview the pages in MS Internet Explorer 5 everything is perfect but when I preview
the pages in Netscape Navigator 4.7 all order goes out the window. You name it photos buttons end up in places they should'nt be. I know there may be a number of things Im doing wrong here but Im open to any tips or clues on how I can avoid this problem with Netscape in the future. Thanks a million all!
Netscape does not see the world in the same manner as IE

The problems are almost certainly due to tables, Nestscape is fussy about how tables are laid out.

General rules are
be careful about mixing percentage widths and heights with absolute widths and heights

ensure that every cell has something in it even if just an  

try not to use too many colspans or rowspans and ensure that they add up correctly.

If you learn any HTML tables an table structure will probably be the most important for producing pages with Dreamweaver.
I as well had this problem in Netscape, i found it was simply the alignment of items within tables or the table cells alignment themselves..
I just ordered the new Dreamweaver 4. Tables look like they are really easy to do. Go to the macromedia site and under products, look up Dreamweaver4 and go to the link that gives you the .mov files and watch them. I think I found them under Lynda.

Good luck

-Gary The door to life is never locked, but few have the knowledge to open it.
If you lay the page out in layers, you need to convert layers to tables. I think thats your problem, IE and Netscape handle layers differently. If you convert to tables, youll be ok.
The main problem I think is that Netscape regards width attributes on td and table tags as helpful hints, not definite values. IE regards them as definites. Personally I think the IE way makes more sense, even though I think the W3C specs are more the Netscape way. Even Netscape 6 does similar things with messing around with cell widths. The best way to get consistency with format is to use divs and CSS not tables. You can get good results across IE5.0 and NS6 this way... but then NS4 gets baffled. Oh what a tangled Web we weave (sic).

I found the Layout view really helpful actually. after unsucessfully trying it the old and traditional method.

Now I dont do the 'layers and back again' method. Although I admit the tables seem only marginally less complex..

I'm having the same problem, my page looks great in IE, but aweful in Netscape...

What do you mean by Layout view?

Also, how do I change my layers to tables... Is this what I need to do?

Also, what's "Add/Remove Netscape resize fix"?

Thanks for the much needed help in advance!
Put a notice on your site that Netscape 6 is available. They can download in free from Netscape's site. At last! Netscape leaves my work alone!
Gus :)
I am having problems with netscape also, my page works well with disjointed rollover buttons I created in Flash, which work fine in IE & AOL, but Netscape is hopeless for making them work so far. If anyone has a soultion please advise-I would like to design something that works well in all browsers. I tried converting layers to tables but that did not help. Thanks Richard
Well the best way i found out of this problem is to build my page using netscape to prewiev usually ur page will fit perfectly for ie too

execpt if u r using CSS there is a lot of difference in the way ie & Netscape displays css

the problem with netscape is that netscape in very strict on the html that is written but they have lot that is netscape 6

that is the most important thing that i have found in netscape

regards Unicorn11

[red]Luck is not chance, it's toil; fortune's expensive
smile is earned.[red]
Netscape 4.7 has become a big problem. I would like to put some code in my page that simply tells users that they need to use IE or NS6. Problem is that a lot of Mac ppl still use 4.7, and it is the only browser for Linux.
I have also seen this problem with Netscape. The only other solution for me was to create a different website for the Netscape users. Though Netscape 6 works great with Dreamweaver 4. Netscape is the blame of their crappy web browser and lack of standards
I have also been having numerous problems in netscape 4.7 with layers...if I have only a few layers,it works fine....I use a layer and then put a table inside the layer to hold my text...but if I put more than a few layers, on my page, it goes haywire....I also tired coverting to tables....with no avail....one problem I had with converting was the image I had in the upper left window would not stay all the way to the top in tables...does anyone have any suggestions?...thanks............
I'm working on a site called artcaskets.com. On the casket design page I use a slew of layers that become visible when you rollover a picture on an area map. Everything works perfect in IE but not in Netscape as others have said.

Is there a way to make multiple layers appear at a certain spot without them overlapping? Overlapping prevents the conversion from layers to tables.

Any suggestions

My problem may be similar to these. The page layout looks fine, but no scrollbars appear in Netscape 4.7! This problem gets to me, since I used a template, and all of the other pages on my site have no problems. If anyone has any advice, let me know. The page is at .
I created a complete new site for my company using layers including overlapping layers. Stupidly, I only previewed it in IE throughout development. Result - perfect in IE, absolute garbage in Netscape. I had to redo every page and get rid of all the layers and using just tables it seems to be 99% fine in Netscape. I would suggest that anyone developing a new site preview in netscape FROM THE BEGINNING and avoid layers like the plague. Alternatively, abandon all people who insist on using Netscape and develop purely for IE. It's far more forgiving with your coding and Netscape is bad.
I don't know if this is a Netscape problem or if it is a glitch in my A drive. Every time I access a web page on Netscape 4.7, my floppy drive acts like it wants to read a disk...just clicks and clicks. I keep a blank floppy in the drive but it still clicks and the light comes on. Any suggestions? Thanks,
I have a similar problem, and it's nice to see that everyone else hates Netscape too. It's frustrating to see everything work great in MSIE, then you get a call from a user saying how they can't do this and that with Netscape.

My problem is this -- Netscape doesn't display form buttons or drop-down menus or jump menus the way they're designed. But I have seen such things and viewed them with Netscape. Now I DO avoid using layers, and I try to layout tables wherever possible, but I also avoid tables if I can. So what's the solution??? How do I display my buttons and jump menus in Netscape??? Anyone????

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