Hi All,
My app manages quarterly reports received from 30-40 grantees. I've made a report that displays the date/time each report was received (up to 4 reports per grantee, for a total of up to 160 reports per quarter) for all 4 quarters. We need to see the number and percentage of grantees that submitted each report, the number and percentage who did not submit a report, and the number and percentage of late reports.
I'm using unbound controls in the report footer for each of these questions. My formulas work. Here are examples:
Reports Submitted:
count- Count([fieldname])
percentage- Count([fieldname])/count(*)
Reports not submitted:
percentage=1-(percentage of reports submitted)
Note: this last is a calculation that subtracts the value in the "reports submitted-percentage" control from 1.
Late Reports:
count- DCount("[fieldname]","qryname","[fieldname] > [datedue]"
percentage- DCount("[fieldname]","qryname","[fieldname] > [datedue]"
If I've slightly missed the syntax here, it's okay. It works properly in my report.
The issue is: The last page of the report take a long time to load. Is there a better way to set this up in order to speed it all up?
Thanks for any help!!!
My app manages quarterly reports received from 30-40 grantees. I've made a report that displays the date/time each report was received (up to 4 reports per grantee, for a total of up to 160 reports per quarter) for all 4 quarters. We need to see the number and percentage of grantees that submitted each report, the number and percentage who did not submit a report, and the number and percentage of late reports.
I'm using unbound controls in the report footer for each of these questions. My formulas work. Here are examples:
Reports Submitted:
count- Count([fieldname])
percentage- Count([fieldname])/count(*)
Reports not submitted:
percentage=1-(percentage of reports submitted)
Note: this last is a calculation that subtracts the value in the "reports submitted-percentage" control from 1.
Late Reports:
count- DCount("[fieldname]","qryname","[fieldname] > [datedue]"
percentage- DCount("[fieldname]","qryname","[fieldname] > [datedue]"
If I've slightly missed the syntax here, it's okay. It works properly in my report.
The issue is: The last page of the report take a long time to load. Is there a better way to set this up in order to speed it all up?
Thanks for any help!!!