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Best way to learn SQL Server 2005 / .NET

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Apr 23, 2002

I am new to SQL Server 2005. I have years of experience using databases with Visual Fox Pro and are familiar with databases concepts.

I wish to train myself on SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio .NET.

Can anyone give me some advice on learning SQL Server 2005? I have downloaded the evaulation version and the SQL Server 2005 Books Online which has some tutorials, but a lot of them require T-SQL or previous SQL Server experience, which I do not have.

Any help much appreciated, as I don't know where to start!

A very quick way to gain knowledge in everyting dotnet is to go to msdn.microsoft.com

and look for the OnDemand Webcasts...

All full of great demos and very targeted.

if a picture is worth a 1000 words a great webcast is worth alot more!

Thanks Guys.

I have started going through the on-line examples to familiarise myself and will purchase a book as well.

SQL2005 is looking very interesting indeed (if a little bit overwhelming to start, i have only used VFP database before!). I have so far gone through the SQL Server Tools and Analysis Services tutorials.

What I need is some training on how to build a SQL2005 database from scratch. ie. adding tables, fields , relationships, views etc. Does anyone know where I can find this information ?

Thanks for your help so far.


Books on line... Search for "Create Database"

Basic concept (run in the query tool)
Create Database TestDB
use TestDB
Create Table FirstTable
(Col1 int identity primary key -- Auto Number field
,Col2 varchar(300) not null default '') -- text col 
Create Proc AddRowToFirstTable
@String varchar(300)
Insert into FirstTable values(@String)
Exec AddRowToFirstTable 'test'
Select * from FirstTable
Thanks for the advice guys. I have now started going through the BOL using their examples. Its quite overwhelming to begin with (VFP is tiny compared to the size of SQL2005!!) but I am understanding the concepts.

On thing I can't find on BOL, is some basic tutorials on creating a database from scratch. e.g. adding fields,tables,views relationships etc.

Where can I find this info ?

In BOL :)

You can also learn by using sample database (AdventureWorks) or download some older ones known from earlier SQL Server versions (northwind, pubs).

"There's a man... He's bald and wears a short-sleeved shirt, and somehow he's very important to me. I think his name is Homer."
(Jack O'Neill, Stargate)
Another interesting option is to use the "Script Database" in Enterprise Manager.

You can do this by "Right Clicking" a Database on your server (Like Northwind) and then selecting "All tasks"
"Generate SQL Script..."
And then in Options.. Select what you are intereseted in.

Scripting is a little different in the 2005 UI.

Right click the object you want, select the Script {Object Type} As, Select where you want it to put the script (New window, save to file, etc.

Unfornitually they have remove the old style scripting window. Several people have asked to have this put back in via the beta site.

MCSA (2003) / MCDBA (SQL 2000)

--Anything is possible. All it takes is a little research. (Me)
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