I have a query that should ask the user for 3 parameters: OpenDateTime, CloseDateTime and Department.
I run the query and I am prompted properly for the parameters. The query runs for a minute and then I get propmpted for the date paramters AGAIN! I pasted the query below and as you can see there are only the three paramters listed....Any ideas?
SELECT dbo_ITRequestView.RequestID, dbo_ITRequestView.AssignedFullName, dbo_ITRequestView.OpenDatetime, dbo_ITRequestView.CloseDateTime, dbo_ITRequestView.Priority, TotalTime(OpenDateTime,CloseDateTime) AS TTR, (IIf(dbo_ITRequestView.Priority="critical",TTR/60,IIf(dbo_ITRequestView.Priority="important",TTR*0.3/60-2))) AS Satisfaction
FROM dbo_ITRequestView
WHERE (((dbo_ITRequestView.CloseDateTime) Between [Start yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM] And [End yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM]) AND ((dbo_ITRequestView.AssignedDepartment) Like [Department -Type exactly or * for all]) AND ((dbo_ITRequestView.Closed)=True))
ORDER BY dbo_ITRequestView.CloseDateTime;
I have a query that should ask the user for 3 parameters: OpenDateTime, CloseDateTime and Department.
I run the query and I am prompted properly for the parameters. The query runs for a minute and then I get propmpted for the date paramters AGAIN! I pasted the query below and as you can see there are only the three paramters listed....Any ideas?
SELECT dbo_ITRequestView.RequestID, dbo_ITRequestView.AssignedFullName, dbo_ITRequestView.OpenDatetime, dbo_ITRequestView.CloseDateTime, dbo_ITRequestView.Priority, TotalTime(OpenDateTime,CloseDateTime) AS TTR, (IIf(dbo_ITRequestView.Priority="critical",TTR/60,IIf(dbo_ITRequestView.Priority="important",TTR*0.3/60-2))) AS Satisfaction
FROM dbo_ITRequestView
WHERE (((dbo_ITRequestView.CloseDateTime) Between [Start yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM] And [End yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM]) AND ((dbo_ITRequestView.AssignedDepartment) Like [Department -Type exactly or * for all]) AND ((dbo_ITRequestView.Closed)=True))
ORDER BY dbo_ITRequestView.CloseDateTime;