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Beginner Win32 Programmer: Dialog Box Problem. Pls Help

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Technical User
Jul 17, 2002
Hello, I have a dialog box with a list box control and a bunch of edit box controls. When i excute the application, the dialog box shows up. But when the i try selecting an item from a list box and just happen to click any of the edit controls, the dialog box disappers. I have several other similar dialog boxes in my application which work just fine. Could you help me debug this problem.

Thanks a bunch
Best Regards
I want to add, I have situation where, in the dialog procedure, I am writing to an edit control on the dialog box as follows,

1. wsprintf (szBuffer, TEXT ("%d"), 0) ;
2. SendDlgItemMessage (hdlg, IDC_EDIT_00, WM_SETTEXT, 0,
(LPARAM) (LPSTR) szBuffer) ;
Now for some reason, The presence of "2" causes the dialog box to not appear when i execute the program. When i comment out "2", the dialog box appears. Now i am pretty sure that i have used the function SendDlgItemMessage () correctly (I have used it several other places and it works fine).

Could you help me understand what the problem is.

Best Regards
I want to add that, I have modified the resource script (.RC) and the resource.h files outside the VC++ editor (i.e. through note pad). Esentially i changed the sizes and positions of some controls on the dialog box. I also removed some unused ID's from the resource.h.
Can this cause any problem. I can't think of a logical reason why it should. More over i have done such changes before without a problem.

Best Regards
Doesn't your program fall through in a switch statement because of a forgotten break statement??

If you have something in your dialog box procedure like:
        switch ( LOWORD(wParam))
           { case IDC_EDIT_00 : ...
                  // and forget break; or return ( ... ); here
             case IDOK :
                  // code here to end dialog

This code matches your description of the problem: When the edit box sends a notification to the dialog box procedure, after the notification has been processed the code for IDOK is also processed.

Hello Kupier, thanks for your reply. I found out the problem. It was a default case statement in the
switch (LOWORD (wParam)) for WM_COMMAND message that i had which was closing the dialog box and returning TRUE.

Best Regards
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