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Beginner needs help

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Technical User
Jun 14, 2006
I am new to web design and a little bit overwhelmed right now, but I am trying to set up a web site. I have Dreamweaver on my computer, and wanted to use that to put it all together. I am comfortable with Photoshop and have designed a layout the way I want it to appear on the web. Have I gone about this in the wrong order ? I have the photoshop file just about finished, but is there a way to move into Dreamweaver keeping my work intact and designate certain text, etc. as buttons, links ?

I know I need some help and learning here, and I doubt anyone really wants to walk a newbie like me through all this. Those kinds of people get paid for doing that as web designers. Well I am pretty good with the design part, I just don't know the mechanics of making it operate as a web page. Any tutorials or sites that make learning easier would be a huge help. I have a book on Dreamweaver but it is pretty technical as well.

Thanks in advance !

All the best!


[URL unfurl="true"]http://mostarnet.com[/url]

All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
Ok thanks for the tutorial. I am following that, and have sliced up my Photoshop file in Image Ready and I have the rollover links working too. However, when I click to preview in a browser, the webpage takes up about 80% of the width and then there is just a white area for the rest of the broswer window. Is this something I change once I get it into Dreamweaver, or should I be using a different size design in Photoshop ? Thanks !
use PS/IR JUST to slice...ignore the html made by IR and make your layout in DW...in other words get a controll of your code.
the share your code here...
All the best!


[URL unfurl="true"]http://mostarnet.com[/url]

All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
Lebisol -

I have followed the tutorials you linked to up to the point of slicing in Image Ready and creating the rollovers. So are you saying the sizing and everything will come later in DreamWeaver ? Is there a general size that most web pages follow ?
IR will create html and javascript and it works, don't get me wrong you can spend some time in IR and edit the preferences of html code generated...but since you will be using DW for futher design then I would suggest to start from fresh clean page layed out in DW and using builtin JavaScript MM_ code. It makes life easier for editing down the line.
What I like to do is slice images and some of the layout in IR and then, yes, write down sizes of my images...then desing the page in DW with the dimentions of images in mind.
I guess it's somewhat old-school but it works for me :)
General Size... thread248-1092960

All the best!


[URL unfurl="true"]http://mostarnet.com[/url]

All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
Lebisol -

Thanks for the reply. I have to apologize from the get go, though because all this is a little over my head. So with the process you are suggesting, can any of the work I did in Photoshop carry over into Dreamweaver ? The tutorials you linked to in an earlier post supposedly take you all the way from psd to IR to Dreamweaver, which is what I was hoping to do. But if this process creates some bad HTML or something maybe its not the best way. Only problem is I have worked in Photoshop before, but never in Dreamweaver, so I do not know if I could design the same site in Dreamweaver that I already have laid out in Photoshop. Maybe its easier than it seems and just getting into DW and playing around a little will help out. Im just confused about the process you are talking about...slicing the psd design in IR and then how do you use those once you get into DW ? Can you somehow save each slice as a separate file or somethign and then import it into DW ? Sorry for the confusion, Im just very new to all of this. Thanks !
ones you export the HTML from IR it will create a somefile.html and images folder. Trash the HTML and then build it in DW from blank page....make your tables/cells/layers the size of your image etc.
IR doesn't produce 'bad html' it i just that is not very 'editable' in DW and esecially the rollovers (the javascritp)...therefor you would loose the builtin DW functions of rollovers and you would have to edit it in code view...so in other words, a bit pain to start but a lot easier down the line.I found it harder to edit IR produced code than it is to strart from zero...it could be me :)
All the best!


[URL unfurl="true"]http://mostarnet.com[/url]

All around in my home town,
They tryin' to track me down...
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