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Beginner - Forbidden subdirectories

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Jun 20, 2003
Hi all

I have installed Apache web server as part of an Oracle installation and I was hoping to run a private website as well as do the usual Oracle stuff.

My question though is that unlike PHPTriad, I am struggling to migrate my web site to this application.

The problem I have is that when I attempt to access

it does not display anything in the dir but returns a forbidden error yet if I type:

Then it returns the file with no problems.

Please advise.


Mr P

Sorry for the dumb Q but I am expecting it to list all the files in the directory. Very crude I know but it does the job. In dir2 for example I have a couple of movies, a few pics and a text file.

Normally if there is no index.html page in the directory it lists all the files.

I hope this makes sense.


Mr P
There are two ways to do this.

1) change the way Apache treats every folder
2) change the way Apache treats the specific folders you want to have automated indexes, leave the other folders the way they were. This option is more secure.

I am sure you can figure out how to setup option 1 after I explain you option 2, and I wouldn't want you to have a very compromisable system in which every single folder is indexing so I'll just explain option 2.

- Look in your httpd.conf for the word "AllowOverride" inside the <Directory "<DocumentRoot>"> you set up.
Make sure AllowOverride either lists "Options" ór the word "All"

- make a file called ".htaccess" in which you put the text
"Options Indexes"

-place this file in the directory you want to have a listing =). Be careful ! These settings propagate downwards the directory tree by default. By making a .htaccess with
"Options -Indexes" you can disable the indexing option for a specific folder.

or mail me kib.at.kibje.com
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