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BCM50/FreePBX integration Sip or H.323

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Sep 7, 2023
Hey all,

I'm trying to connect a BCM50 to a FreePBX instance via sip or H.323. So I can get SIP phone functionality on the BCM50 for Sip Video doorbells.
I'm looking to get the doorphones on the freepbx to ring the current doorphone hunt group 474 on the BCM.

When I try to connect sip BCM says "forbidden from" which is the FreePBX.

H.323 is setup but doesnt seem to work.

Hitting the doorphone button set to call 474 I get a Freepbx message "all circuits are busy now, try your call again later"
Dial pattern is set to X. on sip and H323/${EXTEN} on H.323 on the Freepbx.
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Thanks for splaining Lucy
I will get you some Voip.ms settings soon since I have several #'s with them.

"All trunks are working now that I set Nat pinhole options to 30"

Last I recall that is a factory default setting which is also my setting.

I have a system down that just came in, always a Friday, always a PM'r, but here is a couple screenies for now:


@Firebird Scrambler ahh that's the default, which works best for trunks that are connected to a prvider/the outside world. It basically says that any incoming calls must use an inbound routes. For any trunks that are intra-company/to another PBX in your network, you should use the from-internal context as that bypasses inbound routes and allows full access to the system.
"from-internal" should do it.

I reverted most of my Freepbx setup yesterday trying to get inbound calls working again on the BCM but that was all I had different.
I was had two trunks with two outbound routes "from-trunk" with no prefix, "from-internal" with prefix.

From BCM I can dial 89+401 and reach ext 401 on FreePBX
From FreexPBX I can only call in to a target line and reach that specific ext or hunt group. I haven't been able to freely call extensions or hunt groups from FreePBX.

Dialing 9+xxx-xxx-xxxx on FreePBX will route calls through the BCM's main line.

Looking for the same interop between BCM 221-236/300-332/470-475 : FreePBX 401-432
Always on a Friday [upsidedown][pipe]

These are my Voip.ms trunk settings. I turned signaling method from NONE to OPTIONS and incoming works now without having to dial out first.
Slight delay in ringing in it used to instantly hit the BCM now theres a 1-3sec delay but at least calls are working.

Do you have screenshots these 3: IP Sub System/General, Dialing Plan/Routing/Destcodes and SIP Trunks/Public/Routing Table

I heard it was best to use the numeric IP address of the carriers SIP server instead of name.

Your ITSP association method differs from our 3 that use "From Header Domain Match".
My Local Domain is blank.
That's all that I can that differs at the moment.
Up until last night I had "From Header Domain Match" and signaling was set to NONE

I'll try changing to numeric IP.

On the FreePBX side any string I dial out to BCM will ring the main ext 300.

Calling in to FreePBX from BCM using the inbound routes above I get the FreePBX "extension is not in service" message on the BCM phone.

:Solved. I needed to create a target line for each BCM extension. See target line settings below.
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I got calling working from FreePBX - BCM extensions using the settings below. no prefix just dial 3xx from FreePBX and Nortel sets ring. I added each extension to the target line as "ring only"

BCM - FreePBX intra calling not working yet. Working on that.


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If anyone has screenshots for the setup of BCM extensions on the FreePBX side please post.

Almost there, I'm just missing calls from BCM to FreePBX.

Also noticed on the Cisco phones BFL for the BCM extensions shows "Red" offline but when pressed it dials fine.
I'm doubting there's a way to get BFL activity of the BCM phones over Freepbx but I may be wrong. :)
I got inbound calls from BCM - FreePBX

Setup an inbound route on Freepbx to accept 89xxx (dial out code on BCM - FreePBX) and routed to the corresponding FreePBX extension.

I even got paging from BCM to FreePBX

CallerID comes up on the FreePBX sets as anonymous. I have send long name setup on the BCM extension. Not sure whats going on there. I have allow anonymous sip calls on in the "general sip settings" to allow the calls through for now.

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Thanks for the reply and updates.

I'm guessing that the general rule is to set the BCM as having a SIP "public" trunk, rather than the "private" one?.
I have 1 private and 1 public not sure it makes a difference from my testing FreePBX can dial 9 out over BCM and both can call extensions on both ends using private or public.
It looks like theres just less SIP options using private.

Did you find a way to not use dest codes when calling from BCM-FreePBX like
FreePBX - BCM I don't need to use a dest code just dialing 3xx

I was thinking use 4 as the dest code sending the full number to Freepbx eg,4,02=402
I think I have to move my hunt group off of the 400's the BCM wont let me use 4 as a dest code right now.
I set the inbound destinations to a page group with duplex intercom, auto answer.
Could do both 89501 for duplex and 89401 to call the extension

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"can dial 9 out over BCM"

You previously mentioned 2 digit dest codes so I wanted to see the codes, I see now that you use both X and XX so I just wanted to make sure for "9" your Dest/Absorb was 0 and SIP Trunk/Advanced/ Outbound Called Character to Absorb was 1 (or 0 & 2 for 2 digit dest codes)
Thanks for the screenies.

I am not much help here as I have only had to network BCM/BCM using H323 but it's a good to see the sharing of info here in case I need it.
Thanks guys.
"Did you find a way to not use dest codes when calling from BCM-FreePBX like
FreePBX - BCM I don't need to use a dest code just dialing 3xx"

In the lands of Norstar or BCM the first digit range is assigned or reserved for devices such as sets, applications, Call Park and so on.

So I wonder this is not the case with FreePBX, so if you dial 3 is says I haven't that digit assigned so it reverts to any network link to see if anything responds?
I would then wonder if you temp disable the network link, then what happens if you dial 3 or 3XX on the FreePBX?

One trick for dialing from BCM to another BCM was to assign say 3A (ANY) as the dest code and absorb set to 0, so when you dial X322 it would pass the 3 followed by 22.
When you dial the DN it was also dialing the dest code at the same time.
You could also make a dest code for every DN on a small site in some situations, ie:
- Dest code of 300 Absorb 0, use route 000 (dial external 300)
- Dest code of 301 Absorb 0, use route 001 (dial external 301)

Here is a setup I did for a client with 2 BCM's, one site 2XX the other 3XX


I found this one too in my docs that might come in handy but its dialing dest code and dn together one after the other.

This guide is to network BCM's via SIP VoIP Trunks
SIP or Gateway Trunks key codes are required.

-The following is based on programming site A using Dest code 71 and Route 071 to call site B (or Dest 72/Route 072 to call site C and so on)
-Others sites that want to call site A would use Dest code 70 and Route 070
To make a call you dial the dest code followed by the DN (7X2XX)
-All sites have the same DN ranges (221- 2XX) in this setup

SIP Trunking/IP Trunk Settings
-Last Redirect
-Remote MWI - yes
-Send name Display - yes

SIP Trunking/Private/Routing Table
-Name of site- Site2
-Destination Digits - 7X
-Domain - localdomain or theirdomain.xxx (DNS domain name
-IP address - external public ip address (or internal if in same network)
-Port - 0
-GW Type - BCM
---You will need to add a table for each site except itself

SIP Trunking/Media Parameters
Make all 3 codecs available

Telephony/Global/FeatureSettings/Business Names
-Program a Name, make sure to put Space after the name

-Program OLI as 70221
-Allow BlocA in Line Access

Telephony/Lines/Target Lines
-Private Received - 2 digit Dest plus 3 digit DN (ie 70221)
-Prime Set - None
-Assign a set (I use Ring Only and min two intercom keys to free up buttons)
-Check Caller ID

Telephony/Lines/Active Voip Lines
-Remove Prime set from Line 001, it will then remove from rest of voip lines too.
This will prevent all 7XXXX entries ringing 221, if you do not do this then Received Digits in Target Lines will appear to be ignored.

Telephony/Dialing Plan/Private Network
-Private Received - 5
-Private DN Length - 5

Telephony/Dialing Plan/Routes/
-Route 070:
Use Pool - BlocA
DN type - Private

Telephony/Dialing Plan/Dest Codes
-Dest code 70
Normal Route - 070
Absorb Lenght - 0

----To Dial out using POT's lines on remote site A (head office)

Branch Office - Site B
-Private Network type = Received and DN Length = 3, CDP, ID #1
-Dest code 9, Absorb All, Use Route 009
-Route 009, External #9, BlocA, Public
SipTrunking/Private - Routing Table 9 out 9 localdomain 192.168.1.XXX (siteA) Port 0 - GW Type BCM - MCDN Protocol CSE - Monitor false(0) - Tx Threshold 0.0
Voip Trunks use Remote Package 05
Remote Package 05 has access to BlocA and Pool A

Head Office - Site A
-Private Network type = Received and DN Lenght = 3, CDP, ID #1
-Dest code 9A, Absorb All, Use Route 000
-Route 000, use Pool A
-Public Network - Add Pub Rec Digits length maybe if it was grabbing a Voip Trunk
That clears up a lot of things for me haha
Moving the hunt groups and some application DN's off of 400's is what I have to do to use 4 as dest code then it should all work seamless.

I was reading through the UCX manual the instructions for connecting a SIP trunk to the BCM are pretty much the same as FreePBX.

I'm ordering a UCX to demo I'd like to see how everything works as one system and if there are any limitations.
Like for the Hikvision's, I have to add some code to the SIP trunk so it mimics a Hikvision indoor station.
Otherwise when the doorphone is pressed it calls Hik indoor screens and the Hik app first if no answer then it will call SIP phones.
If I make the trunk act as a screen adding a some code it will think FreePBX/UCX is a Hik screen and ring all at once. And will it run video codecs over sip sets

It would be nice to know if I can upgrade a BCM or another proprietary system keep the same phones and have it link up with the CCTV cameras and access control I install :)
" if I can upgrade a BCM"
BCM last release was 6, which I think you may already have?

"keep the same phones"
Nortel sets are UNIStim firmware but can be converted to SIP firmware.

UCX , you can post questions in their forum here at Tek-tips for any info.
I'm having 1 issue with the Private trunk not sure if this is the way it sends the number when set to private but when it sends the number to FreePBX its sends as

BCM route 005 set to public, dialing 4,01 sends 401 to Freepbx correctly.

Also when I dial eg. 401 from the BCM - Freepbx it shows up anonymous. I cant find whats causing that.
*solved this sort of. Since I cant send 4,01 from private trunk the private OLI isn't passing through. When using public I have to use 10digits for OLI or I get an error.
I can pass the long name and 10digit OLI on public to FreePBX dialing 4,01
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Under Private/URI Map

Private / Subscriber has to be empty or it will send 401;phone-context=private.subscriber in the dialplan
Removing it sends 4,01 and allows calls over PRIVATE now.
Updated Private oli to the ext #'s, now it passes the correct CID info
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