I'm wondering if anyone more familiar with BCM50 than me can let me know if my impression of a situation is correct.
The current setup is two incoming lines with a single receptionist answering the phone. At busy times of the day, this can be problematic. Ideally, incoming calls would be answered automatically with a hold message, with the receptionist picking up the call when free.
I initially thought that this could be accomplished with auto-attendant, but it would seem that this will not work, as once auto-attendant has picked up the call, there's no way to set the system up so that the receptionist can break into the call. Is that correct?
If so, does that mean that an ICC keycode would need to be purchased for the situation above to be implemented?
Many thanks!
The current setup is two incoming lines with a single receptionist answering the phone. At busy times of the day, this can be problematic. Ideally, incoming calls would be answered automatically with a hold message, with the receptionist picking up the call when free.
I initially thought that this could be accomplished with auto-attendant, but it would seem that this will not work, as once auto-attendant has picked up the call, there's no way to set the system up so that the receptionist can break into the call. Is that correct?
If so, does that mean that an ICC keycode would need to be purchased for the situation above to be implemented?
Many thanks!