Just checking to see if anyone has heard any rumors of Avaya keeping or discountinuing the BCM line? Last I heard I thought they were keeping it but now I've had others tell me maybe not. Anyone here have any idea?
Yes, there was a call yesterday and all participants were required to agree to a non-disclosure, so we shouldn't even be discussing what was heard on it in this forum.
You wouldn't want to upstage the new owner would ya?
Don't worry, it wasn't all bad news. some great opportunities coming up if you're a partner.
I hope they keep the BCM 50 / 450 (I guess we'll find out in a week's time).
But even if they decide to discontinue them, I HOPE they still allow licences to be purchased.
We upgraded to a BCM50 in 2007, after using a Norstar 6x16 for 16 years. We usually keep our phone systems for the long run. The BCM50 has all the features we ever need, my only concern is that most of the features are LICENCED.
If the device becomes EOL, would that mean they would discontinue offering new licences for the product as well?
It would be a huge shame in the future if we needed to expand, yet our phone system can't (not due to technical limitations but because of a stupid software licence that can't be purchased/activated anymore). It would mean that investment we made 3 years ago would be a total waste of money.
If Avaya does this, I'll be ditching them and not look back. Maybe switch over to Cisco or Switchvox
From what I heard on the call, and what I read in the documentation, you don't have anything to worry about for the foreseable future (especially with a BCM50).
Join the call through a vendor next week. I think you will be pleased with what you hear.
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