I've seem to be unable to connect with the voicemail, I have connectd via OAM, I'm able to launch go to Voice messaging/contact, then I click on launch Call Pilot Manager and ntohing happens.
I have a hunt group set up and need to click the return to menue which I'm not able to find via Telset in the Table 1 as an option, thus the calls are dropped after 12 rings (call back transfer set to 12 from standard 4).
With a complex network I've been able to ping the given IP once and then failing, I can't launch via the web, IT told me to connect to certain ports off the Switch and still no luck. I did find a FAQ on confirming the IP address F*8, which I will do later this morning. Assuming I have the correct IP, which I truely beleive I do, because last spring I did log in via the IP address, is it possible the network fire wall is causing greif? I at least should be able to connect via Element Manager
I have a hunt group set up and need to click the return to menue which I'm not able to find via Telset in the Table 1 as an option, thus the calls are dropped after 12 rings (call back transfer set to 12 from standard 4).
With a complex network I've been able to ping the given IP once and then failing, I can't launch via the web, IT told me to connect to certain ports off the Switch and still no luck. I did find a FAQ on confirming the IP address F*8, which I will do later this morning. Assuming I have the correct IP, which I truely beleive I do, because last spring I did log in via the IP address, is it possible the network fire wall is causing greif? I at least should be able to connect via Element Manager