Help I have a customer who is trying to connect a 1120e back to the BCM 50 6.0 via the internet using 4 port lynksysRVO42 vpn routers on both ends First off is this possible or do we need to rethink this, Any ideas.
If you have Release 6, all you need to do is buy the Remote Teleworker license and enough IP client seats for the number of IP sets you want to connect.
Open up the appropriate ports on your firewall and set your S1 server address to the external address of your router and you should be able to connect remotely.
I think that's a mistake but try opening both ranges on the router to be sure. I've only ever had to open 60000-60999 on a 450 but who knows, maybe they changed it lately.
Depending on your network setup you may also have to open 28000-28255 and 51000-51200.
Just checked a 450 I'm right in the middle of installing and under Resources>Port Ranges, it does indeed list 30000-30999 as the correct ones for the 450. I guess they changed it. It also lists 28000-29499.
Pardon my ignorance but what is different with the remote teleworker vs just making ip sets work remotely? I've connected many ip phones at remote locations via vpns without this remote keycode.
Difference is that with the NAT Traversal keycode, you don't need a separate VPN. It uses the built-in VPN client in the phone so it's still a secure connection.
Without it, you can still set them up to connect remotely but you are leaving a gaping security hole into your network because you don't have the data security afforded by the VPN.
Can someone please confirm the part number for the "Remote Worker" key code ?
My representatives keep saying there is no such thing and keep insisting there is only the NAT Traversal available.
I would like to have them enter it into their system and order it, that or if someone can point me in a direction that I can purchase them online, I would appreciate it.
Why would all the documentation say simply "Remote Worker" and not "NAT Traversal for remote working" ?
I'm now really confused.
I had the IP phone setup with the S1 and correct ports forwarded to the BCM's internal IP as discribed in the manual.
The phone would connect to the BCM and show me it's extension and name, but I could not dial or receive calls. The main reception phone was getting an error about the default gateway of the IP phone.
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