I have a BCM 450 running 5.0 occationaly the DSM32's in the Main unit have red lights on them , I have to un-plug the Amps and it clears the problem. All the dip switchs on the DSM are set to on. Any clue? Thanks
They go red and do not populate alarms?
How many dsm's go red?
Have you noticed which amphenol when removed allow the dsm's to come back online?
Could be a wire issue, i've seen one time when a tie-rap too tight had my dsm32+ go red.Check that.
Are the phones working while the red lights are on? Is this on only one DSM32 or multiple DSM32s? Does removing one particular cable clear the red lights or do you have to remove both? If it's one particular cable you may have a bad phone or a bad station cable.
A while back there was an issue with the 450's where the cable connections on the inside of the box were loose where they plug into the motherboard where the MBMs connect. Just open up the top and have a quick look. Solved a few of those strange problems that way.
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