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BCM 400 3.6 issue

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Mar 15, 2004
Hey everyone. I embarrassed to admit I messed up. Our bcm hard drive failed and we received a whole new unit. With paid support we attempted to restore on a 3.6 system from backup. Only partial restores with no key codes. We then tried to restore key codes from an older 3.5 backup. Only one came through but we were closer. After attempting to restore further I realized we were making a mistake. Now trying to get back to square one. I am getting an Apache Active Scripting Runtime error when trying to launch Backup and Restore Utility. Any hope of cleaning this up?
When you say a whole new unit, do you mean a whole new 400?

If so, you will need to transfer the licenses from your old system to the new system. You will need the sysid from both and then access to Avaya KRS to do the swap, then reload the new file into the replacement box.

Once that's done, you will have to return the old MSC card to Avaya within 60 days to avoid being charged for the new licenses.
Yes, a whole complete unit. We had a BCM failure at another location and they replaced the unit. Quick restore from backup and we were rolling. This one shows valid backup log including license/keys and no errors on restore but nothing. I am requesting a new drive but would LOVE to be able to just restore back to pre-3.5 attempt. Do you know of any way to get past the check version Apache error in Backup and Restore? Since I apparantly have a mix of 3.5 and 3.6 can I blowout the configuration and havea clean 3.6 box? If so, what is the easiest/cleanest way? Thank you for the reply!
Like telcodog was telling you, your keycodes are for the system ID of the MSC card in your old BCM. If you are trying to restore key codes from a system with a different MSC card than you will have to regenerate via Avaya KRS system.
Sorry, I didn't catch that. I should have said that they moved the old cards over.
When you say cards do you mean the modules because there is only one MSC card which is in the Base Function Tray?
Yes. Sorry for the mistake. As you can guess I am much more an IT guy than a phone tech. I was pulled into this because the local phone company knows very little about the tech side it seems. I mainly am trying to erase our 3.6 to 3.5 blunder. Is there any chance? Can I blow out the configuration and start from scratch?
The rstore can be made only to the exact version that created it. In other words, to restore to 3.5, the hard drive would already have to have 3.5 on it, the backup would have to have been created by version 3.5, and the key codes would have to be for that exact MSC card.
They are suppose to be generating new key codes for us. I am wondering if our mistake will require a new hard drive as well. Thanks for all of the replies.
The hard drive should be fine as the system ID is related to the MSC and not the drive. You'll probably get some errors about the keycodes not matching the system but loading the new keycode file should fix that.
Great! So how can I get rid of the Apache error and gain the ability to backup and restore again?
Since you have a good backup I would do a cold restart and erase all programming. That should clear up any errors.
Okay, I am feeling better about things. I see the option under Maintenance Tools, DECT, to Restore Default Configuration. Do you know if this is where I would erase the programming? If so, I see that it is requesting an installer password. If this is the right spot I will get with the Nortel crew tomorrow. Just trying to get to a clean slate to save time. Then I will reload the 3.6 backup and await the key codes. I guess worse case scenero is that if all feature programming is not displayed then I will restore again minus the license portion.
I believe I would go through Quick Start to clear the old programming. If this is not correct or there is a better way please let me know.
If the Quick Start Wizard is what you are referring to then it did not fix my Backup and Restore issue. Please let me know if I am missing something.
You are all over the place in this post. Lets back up a bit & go slow.Are you trying to restore a 3.5 backup to a 3.6 drive or 3.5 to 3.5 or 3.6 to 3.6. You can only restore to the same version of software & your core has to be higher or the same than the drive that the backup was done on. Look in the notebook log of your backup. It should look something like this. BRU Report File
BCM Backup and Restore Script
Product Version: BCM400 | Release: 3.6 | Build: 3.1a | Host: industries
Init Status: Complete(6.2) | Config status: Valid | Service startup: Auto
Motherboard: SH815 | PCI Cards: MSC Empty Modem LAN LAN | MSCVersion: 30DaG28

In this case the core version of 3.6 is 30DaG28 therefore if I was restoring this I would have to make sure that my core on the box was 30DaG28 or greater.Just make sure that you put in the latest patches after you download the core to your MSC card & you should have no problems. Rolling the date on the box back to before Jan.2005 or installing the Apache patch will solve your Apache Active Scripting Runtime Error.

Started with a 3.6 restore to a 3.6 drive. Due to some issues we tried to apply a 3.5 backup after that. Obviously a mistake. Now trying to kill all add configuration to start from scratch. From what I am reading the only option is to reimage. Thanks for the reply.
Tried rolling the date back to '04 but still getting the Apache error.
After rolling back the date did you try to Telnet into the box & download the core software to the MSC card? If so what is the core version on the MSC card?
Software Update Name: Apache_Tool_Wizard

Applicable H/W Platforms: BCM1000, BCM200, BCM400, SRG200 1.0, SRG400 1.0

Applicable S/W Platforms: BCM 3.6, SRG 1.0 based on BCM 3.6

Category: GEN

Installation Recommendations: This tool can be used with all BCM 3.6 systems,
as well as SRG 1.0 systems based on BCM 3.6, which have lost access
to Unified Manager because of a security certificate failue. This occurs when these
systems are initialized after January 2008, which results in Apache service failure.

Component & Version: Not applicable.

Dependencies: Required Update: None

Product Dependencies - None

Size: ~ 2 MB

System Impact:
Time to apply this update ~ 5 min
Does update application force reboot: No
Other Impacts - None

Limitations: None

Update Removable: No

The following issues are addressed:

1. A tool to provide OpenSSL/Apache fix
A failure in dynamic certificate creation is causing Apache to fail during
BCM initialization. There is a limitation with the OpenSSL tool where the
certificate generation fails thus preventing the access by Unified Manager.

This has now been fixed by modifying the scripts that use the OpenSSL tool.
This fix is delivered via a utility application that performs the following tasks:

1. Remotely enable the FTP service on the BCM system.
2. Transfer the required scripts for execution on BCM system.
3. Regenerate valid Apache certificates and re-start the Apache service.
4. Disable the FTP service on the BCM system.


This update includes the content of the following superseded updates:
No previous updates
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