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bc11 mex/rex 1

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Technical User
Dec 5, 2002
1) what is the difference between fixed-remote extensionand mobile extension ?
2) does anyone have commandfile for setup of the above (SP9)
Thanks in advance !

Best Regards


Mobile Extension: The A-Number will be automatically checked and compared with MD110 (nutrp). Its easier to handle for user but only programmed A-numbers are allowed.

Fixed Remote Extension: MEX-User will not send his A-Number. Thats why he must enter an authorisationcode after accessing R2. But every public phone can be used.

Programming: nansi,nutri,gedii,reexi

I thank Ericsson, that CAS-Interfaces will not used any longer...

Hi everybody,

I+m in your opinion that there is need of CAS to realise MEX. But there a still new Problems with MEX, but only in one way --> óut to MEX.
LEt me try to describe....

...using Mobielphonebox over analog Line (TLU35) can causes timeout of the generic-extension, because it is to long time to get the EOS?? (I mean the tone for A-Party). The result is that you get a not reachable from MD110 and the MEX-extension is Alerting!!!
... everytime you call to MEX, the MEX receives the call in any case, it is not possible to abort the call from MD. That will be a big problem when there people who called often a wrong MEX Number because in any case the MEX extension dials back while the call was in the Numberlog of the MEX.

Anyway, MEX is very good feature, i don`t want to miss it but I use it with SP8....

By the way does anybody use fixed remote extension in BC11 SP9? I have problem with INQUIRY procedure. After pressing star button nothing happens.
Hallo again,

My explanation was not quite correctly:

Mobile Extension: Use of RAC instead automatic number check (R2)

Fixed Remote Extension: automatic number check (R1)

Hi again

I have checked in Alex and mobile extension/Remote fixed extension has nothing to do with R1 or R2.
Mobile extension may be programmed with multiple answering positions connected to the same Generic extension.Switching between these answering positions is done with *9# from the wanted active position at the present time.
Fixed remote extension has only ONE answering position.

The R1 type of mobile/fixed remote extension is used whenever the network may provide a-number as authentication towards the MD110. The R2 type is used whenever the network does not provide A-number and PIN code must be used instead for the authentication.


In my opinion means Fixed Remote Extension, that the (one, two or ten) A-Numbers must be fixed in nutri (used by accessing R1)

Mobile Extension means, that I can have access from all phones in the world by accessing R2 and knowing MEX-Number and regional authorisationcode.

One more question , when calling from externally the REX number in the MD110 , on the REX' phone Display it shows only the main number of the numberseries of the MD110.
How to show the original a-number from the external caller ?
I have set the 2 last digits of ADC parameter of RODDI to 1 but no sucess.

BR Lars Briseid

Your provider must allow CLIP NO SCREENING. Then you must create a Extra-Rou with few channels of your public lines.
So you will have two routes. In our company we have 30 ISDN-channels for public lines:

Rou=1 is the public route with 27 channels. Because of CLIP no SCREENING we have set our own number in rondi. Normal outgoing calls will use this route and present so the right A-Number according to rondp.

rou=11 is the MEX-route with the last 3 channels. Here we have not set the rondi-command. But in command reexi we have set the special destination for route=11 before the external number. If an internal extension dials now MEX, the called person sees only the extension-number (fantastic!!!). If an external caller calls MEX, original A-Number will be presented.

But you need the license!

The original a-number license for showing external calls towards the MEX , is this the license almost at the end of the LIDAP command ? ( I think Traffic Measurement is the last license )

yes, it is written as Original-A-Number or like that in lidap

Hi lalrl
Just one question to the configuration of yours when internal calls dial the MEX . You say that no RONDI is defined for this route and hence only the directory number is shown. In my case I get the main number of the MD110's numberseries in the public network at the MEX.
I have activated the internal extension's ADC paramterer to send its A-number.
But as you now without the RONDI the number sent to the public is not a complete number any longer , and the public is replacing this number with a new complete number which is the main number.

Is there anything I am still missing ?

Hallo duvel,

Only reason should be, that Provider has not allowed clip no screening.

If you had not set rondi for your normal public lines before you have made my suggested changes, then you know, that clip no screening is not activated by provider. Then indeed Provider always presents the fixed public number. If you completely delete all rondi and called party still sees the public number with normal external calls, then CLIP NO SCREENING is not activated and rondi-entries will not work.


RONDI is defined and at normal public calls the complete a-number is shown OK. (not the fixed number)
But for the MEX route where RONDI is not defined , the internal calls to MEX gives the fixed number at MEX' display instead of the internal number.
I am wondering if there is a setting in the public that if not an 8 digit number is given from PBX (we use 8 here in Norway) it will automatically give the full fixed number.
In order to send only the internal number on the MEX route , the public must allow 4 digits a-number to be sent.
I have asked our local public service provider about this .

For testing of external calls to MEX we do not yet have the license of original a-number.

Just one question about 'clip no screening' .
Is it so that the caller pays for 2 calls , the one towards the MD110 and the one towards the MEX ?

No. The Call into the MD110 is payed by caller. The call to MEX is payed by company
Hi again

Regarding the CLIP NO SCREENING , it turns out not to be so
easy to obtain in my market and our telecom provider (We use Telenor, yes , I come from Norway) .
I have been informed that Ericsson in Norway is using a special setup for their mobile subscriptions through another provider than Telenor, it is called Netcom.
Here they have made some extra patches in the MD110 in addition to that Netcom has done something in the MSC and are utilizing IN services.
We are now in a technical dialog how to obtain this (this:eek:btain original a-number at MEX) in Telenor network.

To make this dialog more smooth it would be nice if you had some technical information how it is done in your market ?
(May I ask which country/market you come from ?)

Best Regards
So far I was not really sure, what the difference between FIXED REMOTE EXTENSION and MOBILE EXTENSION is. But I checked the paramerter type in command reexi. It can be mob or fix. I have tested is and here is my result: With parameter mob you can use *9# from your public phone (if set in nutri) to activate the public phone where you are at the moment. If you set type=fix, only public phone in remnum= will ring. To activate an other public number is not possible, even if set in nutri. But where is the background, the intention?
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