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Batch Job Question

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Aug 16, 2000
Hi all, I'm sure this will probably be an easy one for someone.

I've got 300+ servers and want to create a spreadsheet that will list the server's name in one column and it's IP address in another.

I know I can run ping servername -n 1 > c:\filename.txt to get a rough format. But I don't seem to be able to clean it up in Word or Excel to get me the format I'm looking for.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a batch and/or a utility that can automate this for me? Thanks in advance!

-Mike Markett

You can create this simple bacth file named : nameip.cmd

:: usage :
:: nameip <computername>
ping -n 1 %1 | findstr /i reply > .\reply.txt
for /f &quot;tokens=3 &quot; %%i in (.\reply.txt) do echo %%i > .\reply2.txt
for /f &quot;delims=: tokens=1&quot; %%i in (.\reply2.txt) do echo %1 %%i >> rslt.txt

You'll get the result in your current dir in rslt.txt (servername @ip)

Thanks for the suggestion Franck. However, I'm not sure how I'd combine the 300+ servers I have in a list to work in this batch.

Any suggestions?
Of course,

You just have to run an other FOR from an another batch file to call nameip.cmd :
for /f &quot;tokens=1&quot; %%i (your300+serverlist.txt) do call nameip %%i

where your300+serverlist.txt is a text file containing the list of all your server - one server per line.

May i write the list for you ? ;-)
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