I'm an employee of a healthsystems organization.
we have a list like follows:
Dr Smoller Johnson, Gary Lipitor 10 mg 2/10/05 ...
Dr Smoller Smith, Tony Lipitor 20 mg 12/10/05...
Dr Smoller Robinson, Wendy Lipitor 10 mg 1/3/06...
Dr Stenzo Doe, Jane Lipitor 20 mg 3/10/05...
Dr Stenzo Marie, April Lipitor 20 mg 1/24/06...
So we have a query containing patient's last refill of a prescription by provider.
We want to send individual letters to each Dr with the LIST of their patients in it.
How do i accomplish this? mail merge? access report? HELP! thanks!
we have a list like follows:
Dr Smoller Johnson, Gary Lipitor 10 mg 2/10/05 ...
Dr Smoller Smith, Tony Lipitor 20 mg 12/10/05...
Dr Smoller Robinson, Wendy Lipitor 10 mg 1/3/06...
Dr Stenzo Doe, Jane Lipitor 20 mg 3/10/05...
Dr Stenzo Marie, April Lipitor 20 mg 1/24/06...
So we have a query containing patient's last refill of a prescription by provider.
We want to send individual letters to each Dr with the LIST of their patients in it.
How do i accomplish this? mail merge? access report? HELP! thanks!