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basic mysql question

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Aug 21, 2001
i hav been developing for MSSQL server for some time now...and i really interested in mysql....speed and reliablity..price....my question is simply this...other then changing odbc/connection strings...will there be any other changes....i mean as far as I know....SQL is SQL right?

THe SQL queries that I have written for MSSQL should work with mysql....am I correct in assumming this....

oh boy, are you in for a rude surprise

no, the sql is not the same

biggest differences:

- no subqueries or union (prior to release 4)
- no triggers or stored procs
- no relational integrity (foreign key checking)
- many different functions

No. Mysql has a very limited support for SQL. For example the following features are not supported

check constraints
derived tables
stored procedures
create data type
union (-- supported in gamma test version)

Besides, T-sql syntax is not exactly ANSI compliant in all respects either.
Mysql has a very limited support for SQL

ok this sucks.....so why would one use this db for web development?...
one of the main reasons is because it's such a pain in the ass to get microsoft sql server running on a linux system

another is that people who wish to have a database-backed web site will find that more hosting companies offer mysql than sql server, and it's almost always one or the other, not both, and when you compare hosting costs, it's a no-brainer

and let's not even go into the total cost of ownership, where you need a cadre of certified engineers to ensure even basic security with microsoft

disclaimer: the above are all reasons that i have heard other people put forth; i have never attempted to install either product myself, not that i would ever want to

Then, of course, there is the cost of licensing. MSSQL, on a two-processor machine, will run you about $12000 for the basic license -- and you need CALs (Client Access Licenses) on top of that.

MySQL will cost you $0 for the software, and there is no such thing as a CAL.

MySQL is used because it is easy to set up, platform agnostic, lightweight, robust, easy to manage, and has a good price-tag. As swampBoogie has said, it does not support a lot of things other SQL servers do. But a lot of people have found that they don't need those parts of the SQL -- there are workarounds for most of MySQL's limitations.

If you do absolutely, positively, have to have the functions swampBoogie mentioned, take a look at PostgreSQL. It has all those features, and has the same cost. It's a little harder to set up than MySQL, but PostgreSQL's fans think the app is worth it. Want the best answers? Ask the best questions: TANSTAAFL!
ok....so simply put is if all I need is a relativly simploe web application that handles user regiastration, updating searching...all the common things that a website does, mysql is more then enough....i won't need the advanced "features" of MSSQL Server......so i think I will start to use MYSQL......Thanks

Thanks.....what about ASP with MYSQL.....anyone of you familiar with this combo...like I said I have been using ASP+MSSQL for years now...and hate the cost of MSSQL.....so if I can still develop with ASP and move to MYSQL....then i will!!...Thanks again

There is a MySQL ODBC driver available for for Win32. It's called, appropriately enough, MyODBC. The driver is available at MySQL's website, . Look in the downloads section.

Another reason for the popularity of MySQL as a web backend is the popularity of PHP (currently the most commonly-used web scripting language, according to NetCraft) and its tight integration with MySQL. PHP will also run with IIS, and will use its native MySQL communications subsystem instead of ODBC.

PHP is better-engineered than ASP because it began life as a web scripting language -- ASP is a scaled-down, interpreted version of VB. For example, PHP has native support for file uploads: ASP will require you to buy a COM object to provide that support. PHP is also much better documented ASP. It might be worth adding to your repertoire. Take a look at .

There is also a very active PHP forum in Tek-Tips in which you could get help along your way, should you decide to take a look into it.
Want the best answers? Ask the best questions: TANSTAAFL!
thanks all for your input.....I may look into PHP....
I am definatly moving to MYSQL....the cost of MSSQL is rediculus....

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