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Barcodes on Access Reports

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Feb 7, 2003
I need to add a barcode to an access report.

Does anyone know of an easy/cheap way to add barcodes to Access reports?

Any assistance will be great appriciated.
I found this code, works pretty good!

' (c) 1993-1995 James I. Mercanti, MicroDoctor, Baton Rouge, LA. USA
' Permission granted for public use and royalty-free distribution only
' if my Copyright notice is included with this module code for credit.
' No other mention of source or credits is required. All rights reserved.
' I ask for no money, no contributions, just credit for my work.
' I'm working on more symbologies including 2of5, 128, PDF-417, etc.
' Send me an e-note with your postal address for demos and more info.
' email: microdoc@ix.netcom.com
' NOTE FOR PURISTS: I have elected to use standard English object
' identifiers for those not familiar with L-R naming conventions.
' 1 - Create Report with a TextBox control. (example named Barcode)
' Make sure the Visible property is set to "No".
' 2 - Set On-Print property of section to [Event Procedure]
' by clicking on the [...] and selecting "Code Builder"
' 3 - Confirm that the following code matches yours...
' Sub Detail1_Print (Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
' Result = MD_Barcode39(Barcode, Me)
' End Sub
' 4 - NOTE: The name of the section is "Detail1" for example only!
' Your section might show a different name. Ditto for "Barcode".
' 5 - NOTE: To use on sub-forms, the Report name should be hard-coded
' into the function. i.e. Rpt = Reports!MainForm!SubForm.Report.
' The easy method is to just avoid using sub-forms and sub-reports.

Function MD_Barcode39(ctrl As Control, Rpt As Report)

On Error GoTo ErrorTrap_BarCode39

Dim Nbar As Single, Wbar As Single, Qbar As Single, NextBar As Single
Dim CountX As Single, CountY As Single, CountR As Single
Dim Parts As Single, Pix As Single, Color As Long, BarStamp As Variant
Dim Stripes As String, OneStripe As String, barcode As String
Dim Mx As Single, my As Single, Sx As Single, Sy As Single
Const White = 16777215: Const Black = 0
Const Nratio = 20, Wratio = 55, Qratio = 35
Sx = ctrl.left: Sy = ctrl.top: Mx = ctrl.Width: my = ctrl.Height
barcode = ctrl
Parts = (Len(barcode) + 2) * ((6 * Nratio) + (3 * Wratio) + (1 * Qratio))
Pix = (Mx / Parts):
Nbar = (20 * Pix): Wbar = (55 * Pix): Qbar = (35 * Pix)
NextBar = Sx
Color = White
BarStamp = "*" & UCase(barcode) & "*"
For CountX = 1 To Len(BarStamp)
Stripes = MD_BC39(Mid(BarStamp, CountX, 1))
For CountY = 1 To 9
OneStripe = Mid(Stripes, CountY, 1)
If Color = White Then Color = Black Else Color = White
Select Case OneStripe
Case "1"
Rpt.Line (NextBar, Sy)-Step(Wbar, my), Color, BF
NextBar = NextBar + Wbar 'WideBar
Case "0"
Rpt.Line (NextBar, Sy)-Step(Nbar, my), Color, BF
NextBar = NextBar + Nbar 'NarrowBar
End Select
Next CountY
If Color = White Then Color = Black Else Color = White
Rpt.Line (NextBar, Sy)-Step(Qbar, my), Color, BF
NextBar = NextBar + Qbar 'Intermediate Quiet Bar
Next CountX

Exit Function

Resume Exit_BarCode39

End Function

Function MD_BC39(CharCode As String) As String

On Error GoTo ErrorTrap_BC39

ReDim BC39(90)

BC39(32) = "011000100" ' space
BC39(36) = "010101000" ' $
BC39(37) = "000101010" ' %
BC39(42) = "010010100" ' * Start/Stop
BC39(43) = "010001010" ' +
BC39(45) = "010000101" ' |
BC39(46) = "110000100" ' .
BC39(47) = "010100010" ' /
BC39(48) = "000110100" ' 0
BC39(49) = "100100001" ' 1
BC39(50) = "001100001" ' 2
BC39(51) = "101100000" ' 3
BC39(52) = "000110001" ' 4
BC39(53) = "100110000" ' 5
BC39(54) = "001110000" ' 6
BC39(55) = "000100101" ' 7
BC39(56) = "100100100" ' 8
BC39(57) = "001100100" ' 9
BC39(65) = "100001001" ' A
BC39(66) = "001001001" ' B
BC39(67) = "101001000" ' C
BC39(68) = "000011001" ' D
BC39(69) = "100011000" ' E
BC39(70) = "001011000" ' F
BC39(71) = "000001101" ' G
BC39(72) = "100001100" ' H
BC39(73) = "001001100" ' I
BC39(74) = "000011100" ' J
BC39(75) = "100000011" ' K
BC39(76) = "001000011" ' L
BC39(77) = "101000010" ' M
BC39(78) = "000010011" ' N
BC39(79) = "100010010" ' O
BC39(80) = "001010010" ' P
BC39(81) = "000000111" ' Q
BC39(82) = "100000110" ' R
BC39(83) = "001000110" ' S
BC39(84) = "000010110" ' T
BC39(85) = "110000001" ' U
BC39(86) = "011000001" ' V
BC39(87) = "111000000" ' W
BC39(88) = "010010001" ' X
BC39(89) = "110010000" ' Y
BC39(90) = "011010000" ' Z

MD_BC39 = BC39(Asc(CharCode))

Exit Function

MD_BC39 = ""
Resume Exit_BC39

End Function
Anthony J. DeSalvo
President - ScottTech Software
"Integrating Technology with Business"
Wow, that is a lot, but I think I can handle. Thanks for the help.
Why not download a free "39" barcode if it is for non commercial use ?
Once downloaded, add it to the "Fonts" that have already been installed (Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Fonts). Now there is a Font more in all your Office applications, called 3 of 9 barcode.
Make a textbox in your report, and choose this barcode font .
To read more about the use of barcodes :
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 271622
or At this site you can download a PDF file with lot of information around barcodes.
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