I'm running a report on Crystal 10 that lists all accounts on a daily basis. The admit date is based on 3 fields, Date1,Date2 and Date3, which represents the month/day/year.
I currently have 3 different parameters; month, day, year, that is prompted to the user each time the report is run.
The results are the list of all accounts in the format of the formula (@adm):
I would like to get rid of the parameters and use the formula:{@ADM} = Today-1. As the results of the report are one day behind. I currently have this setup in two other reports and it works perfectly. I have no idea why its not working here.
I checked to see if any null characters were being returned when i used the 3 paramters and the formula worked. When I removed the paramters and placed (@ADM)in the select expert, that is where I got all my errors.
Thanks for the help
I currently have 3 different parameters; month, day, year, that is prompted to the user each time the report is run.
The results are the list of all accounts in the format of the formula (@adm):
I would like to get rid of the parameters and use the formula:{@ADM} = Today-1. As the results of the report are one day behind. I currently have this setup in two other reports and it works perfectly. I have no idea why its not working here.
I checked to see if any null characters were being returned when i used the 3 paramters and the formula worked. When I removed the paramters and placed (@ADM)in the select expert, that is where I got all my errors.
Thanks for the help