I currently run ArcServe 6.61 Advanced Ed. (SP2a) and it's time to upgrade to ArcServe2000 or replace it with BackupExec.
I want to hear from some advanced admins who know BackupExec. I'd like to hear a structured, informative evaluation from your perspectives on the product. Please don't tell me that BackupExec is junk or a savior unless you give some examples of why you feel that way.
Please evaluate the following areas:
Cost Is it worth the $$$?
Installation Easy or difficult? What about registration?
Configuration Do the Agents work well? Are jobs easy to setup? What about Media Rotation and Tape Libraries?
Administration Is it reliable? Do the jobs run like they should? What about the database?
Recovery How quickly do files restore? How well does the Disaster Recovery Agent work?
Enterprise From an Enterprise scale, do the backups/restores allow you to store/retreive data in a logical way? Can you always find what you need from when you need it, right when you need it in the ways that you need it?
MS SQL How about the SQL Agent? Is it easy to use? Can you backup/restore at the Table level or just the Database level? ArcServe6.61 only allows a restore at the Database level. I've needed table on more than one occasion.
Overall On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being 'It's so bad I stopped using it and now backup to diskettes again' and 10 being 'What a miraculous product! I no longer worry about backups and it works 365 days out of the year no matter what I tell it to do!'
Thanks in advance for any input.
-Isaiah 35-
I want to hear from some advanced admins who know BackupExec. I'd like to hear a structured, informative evaluation from your perspectives on the product. Please don't tell me that BackupExec is junk or a savior unless you give some examples of why you feel that way.
Please evaluate the following areas:
Cost Is it worth the $$$?
Installation Easy or difficult? What about registration?
Configuration Do the Agents work well? Are jobs easy to setup? What about Media Rotation and Tape Libraries?
Administration Is it reliable? Do the jobs run like they should? What about the database?
Recovery How quickly do files restore? How well does the Disaster Recovery Agent work?
Enterprise From an Enterprise scale, do the backups/restores allow you to store/retreive data in a logical way? Can you always find what you need from when you need it, right when you need it in the ways that you need it?
MS SQL How about the SQL Agent? Is it easy to use? Can you backup/restore at the Table level or just the Database level? ArcServe6.61 only allows a restore at the Database level. I've needed table on more than one occasion.
Overall On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being 'It's so bad I stopped using it and now backup to diskettes again' and 10 being 'What a miraculous product! I no longer worry about backups and it works 365 days out of the year no matter what I tell it to do!'
Thanks in advance for any input.
-Isaiah 35-