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Backupexec goes on hold and failed 2

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Dec 17, 2002
Please help! I am running Backup Exec 8.6 with Windows 2000 on an HP Netserver LH Pro with an HP DAT 2000 tape. Whenever, I start a backup, it immediately goes on hold and failed. The only info found in the log is: error. If I removed the job from the held status, it goes straight back to failed and hold. That's it.
I have ran some HP utilites on the backup tape for read, write, erase, etc; Everything in the System tap is fine. The tape was installed properly, Can one one out there help me please?
Thank you in advance.

Which 'log' are you using to find your error messages? Have you tried right-clicking on the failed/on hold job and selecting Properties, then selecting the tab for Job Information?

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have tried doing that. I was referring to the activity monitor.Below is my log file.

Job server: TIDIO
Job name: Backup 0020
Job started: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 8:19:06 PM
Job type: Backup
Job Log: BEX00.txt

Drive and media information from media mount:
Robotic Library Name:
Drive Name: HP 1
Slot: 0
Media GUID: {235352CA-C0C2-46E3-8D18-22C9AAF37A89}
Media Label: 4MM000001
Overwrite Protection Time Left: None
Append Time Left: Infinite
Targeted Media Set Name: Media Set 1

Job Operation - Backup
Media operation - overwrite.
No compression enabled.
Performing Remote Agent backup

Backup completed on 12/17/2002 at 8:19:32 PM.
Backed up 0 files in 0 directories.
Processed 0 bytes in 1 second.
Throughput rate: 0.0 MB/min

Job ended: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 8:19:33 PM
Job completion status: Failed

Hmmm... never seen anything quite like that... I'd recommend checking the System Event viewer on the BE (Backup Exec) server for any errors at the time you ran this job.

Also, I had to do some research to figure out what kind of DAT drive you were refering to... If I'm correct in my assumption, you are using an HP jetstore 2000 drive which only holds 2GB data (no compression available, apparently that hadn't been INVENTED yet :). This drive may be older than most of the magazines in my doctor's waiting room. I couldn't find anything on HP's site acknowledging the existance of a driver for this drive, and I found a cached web page (thank the stars for GOOGLE caching) for that drive with the following line item description, "JETSTORE 2000 TAPE SYSTEM FOR MS-DOS & NW 386"... WOW! Check to make sure there aren't pre-historic dinosaur fossils next to the age old chipsets that must be on this tape drive.

I'm actually suprised Backup Exec still supports that drive (it is on their HCL) since the minimum age on a drive like this would have to be at least 3-4 years, and would most likely be older. I'd definitely write this off as a h/w issue and consider buying a tape drive manufactured in this century. (sorry for bustin' your chops so bad, I couldn't resist after the frustration of searching for info on this tape drive :)
Your response was very funny. It certainly gave me a good laugh. Yup, you hit it right dead center. My tape drive is very old. It's an HP jetstore 2000 drive which only holds 2GB data. I only use it for testing purposes. So, please don't laugh too hard.
Thank you for the advise.
Also, do you know of a cheap backup tape I could buy for my old HP server?

My backup keeps telling me my media format is unrecognised.It even does so for new tapes.What do I do?I am desperate.

1. You really shouldn't 'tag' onto someone else's post. So start your own.

2. #1 being said, have you 'labeled' your media? In BE 8.6 you right-click on the tape (media) and select label.

Dude, I started post. I was only responding to what you posted.
SQLbill, I made a mistake. I just noticed, you were referring to the other guy. Do you know of a cheap backup tape I could buy for my old HP server?

No problem, that's why I suggested 'tapes' start his/her own post. Tagging onto someone else's just causes confusion.

I'm using a tape library (DELL 136T) that holds 25 tapes. So, unfortunately I don't know of any inexpensive drives you could use (what I'm using is probably way too expensive for you). I suggest going online and doing a search for tape drives and see what's available. Then maybe checking out eBay. Another option is to check with a local computer shop that does repairs, etc. If someone turned in an old tape drive as part of an upgrade, the shop might be willing to sell you the old one to get it off their hands.

SQLbill: Last question for you. Do you think an HP35480A 8 GIG SCSI DAT DRIVE is a good buy? It's DDS 2.
Hey y'all,

Happened to notice this post, so I joined this forum. I'm having the exact same problem as Chezzar on a not-so-old drive. I have a HP Ultrium 230 external 200GB tape sitting on a NetServer LC 2000, Windows 2000 Server OS, 1GB Ram, 54GB HDD. I'm getting the exact same problem. After setup of a backup job, the job tries to run, finishes pre-processing etc and then fails. Any suggestions anyone? I've even tried running just the bare local backup but no success at all.

for isleman,can u try after stopping the Removable Storage service ?

I'm not familiar enough with tape devices nor HP to give you an answer. We use only Dell equipment where I work and someone else does the 'spec'ing' out and purchasing.


Please start a new posting for your query...even though yours may be similar, it's considered impolite to 'tag' onto someone else's thread. Plus his thread has been solved and he's just looking for help with choosing a tape drive.


I tried stopping the Removable Storage Service and it still fails and goes on hold but I get an added message in the log instead of no message:

RSM database cannot be backed up because the Removable Storage service is not running. A flat file backup of the appropriate files will be performed.

Thanks for any additional help provided.


I'm not trying to tag onto his thread, but I figured this was the same exact problem and there doesn't seem to be a need to start a new discussion thread for the same thing, makes searching by other people harder later. Also this saves space.


Is it a new tape? can you erase a tape and then try it? I had the same and it was due to a full tape set. I slotted in new tapes and it took off like normal.

Yello all. I'm also getting this problem, though I can add a couple of curves into this ball game.
Ultrium 2gb drive, BU8.6, 2KServer - sp3.
My curve is that I changed my administrator password about two months ago and now I get the same problem as above - hold and fail. I have also tracked it as far as knowing it is a login problem between my BU server and the other servers on the network. All the servers that fail to back up are NT. All the NT servers were rebooted and logged in with the new credentials and initially it was all hunky-dory. But as the weeks went by, the NT servers stopped backing up.

I have checked that the password that bu logs in with is valid, all the services on both the host and remote servers are running as system (I've tried changing to having the services log in as administrator)

The BU server can browse via windows but NOT through BUE8.6
If I attempt to connect to an NT server that is affected to either create a new bu job or edit an existing job, I get a login box and it doesn't matter what I enter it always comes back saying that it could not connect and that I may already be logged in with different credentials.

I'm stumped....


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