Is it possible to configure the Windows XP backup utility to back up a folder, but exclude all files within that folder that are read-only? I know how to exclude a subdirectory, but does the backup utility allow exclusion on a file-level basis? Thanks!
Not sure about the built-in utility. I know there are others that do. My personal favorite is SyncBack. Download it, isntall, and configure to your heart's content!
Thanks kjv1611 - SyncBackPro is exactly what I was asked for. I didn't inquire about networking in my original post, but this program would be perfect if it allowed a central network installation that pushed installations to client machines.
SyncBack definitely allows you to back-up over network. I've got one small business set up for now backing up amongst 3 computers - to each other via SyncBack, and so long as the network is up, it works perfectly.
Also (I want to find the article again), I read an article online where somebody used SyncBack and one other piece of software to back-up their local hard drive to Microsoft SkyDrive. I was wanting to look into that myself, but haven't re-found the article... I'm sure I've got a link saved somewhere.
No, linney, I had totally forgotten about that. I can read into it to see, but does it use a Sky Drive account for the online backup portion? That sounds like something I MEANT to look into a while back, but forgot about. Thanks for the mention of it.
I had used SyncToy originally with that setup, but it didn't offer as much control, and wasn't as easy to schedule as SyncBack - then again, it could just be that SyncBack seemed easier to me, personally.
The last forum post on SyncToy and SkyDrive seems to discuss it, but in the end, they're just saying they wish it were possible. ...unless I missed something.
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