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Backup is failing and don't know why

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May 9, 2001

Tried to do a backup but it failed with the following message:

"Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)

Write on 'D:\backups\myfile.bak' failed, status = 33. See the SQL Server error log for more details. BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally."

In the Sql Server log it has:

BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [myDB] TO DISK = N'D:\backups\myfile.BAK' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'myDB backup', SKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT

Could someone tell me why this is happening and what the problem is?

Thank you in advance

There is also this error in the log:

"Internal I/O request 0x2F684E60: Op: Write, pBuffer: 0x07BE0000, Size: 983040, Position: 49088961024,
UMS: Internal: 0x103, InternalHigh: 0x0, Offset: 0x6DEE1A00, OffsetHigh: 0xB, m_buf: 0x07BE0000,
m_len: 983040, m_actualBytes: 0, m_errcode: 33,
BackupFile: D:\backups\myfile.BAK"

Could it be a disk space problem?

usually if there is not enough disk space it will tell you that it can't backup because there isn't enough room. I would say you have a problem with the disk or sector of disk you are trying to write to. Do you have a server admin that can look at the disks on that server. In the mean time is there another array you can backup your db on?

- Paul [batman]
- If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.
Thanks Paul.

I'll get our network guy to check the disk. There is another disk I can backup to. Thanks for settling that for me.


np. It could also be related to memory as they are buffer errors.

- Paul [batman]
- If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.
In case Paul's solution isn't it, I'd try running it from the command line and see if that works.

What version/spk are you at?
It's SQLServer 2000, someone is checking the spk for me (he said it'll be 3 or 4 but he is checking for me).

I've never run it from the command line before, what sort of statement do I need and will it truncate the logs too?

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