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Backing Up IBM 4690 POS with Norton Ghost

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Technical User
Feb 17, 2006
I was wondering if someone could please provide a set by set procedure on how to back up an IBM 4690 POS system controller to CD-ROM using Norton Ghost?

And which version of Ghost is best for this?

Thanks in advance for your help.
I have a love/hate relationship with Norton Ghost. When it works, it's possibly the most amazing program on the face of the planet. But there have been times when I have spent hours upon hours trying to get it working when it screwed me, or failed to work where it had worked 100 times before.

Step by step procedures vary by version. If I was using 6.0, I'd say the best way is to make a boot disk and do a network transfer to a laptop. Then burn it on to CD. The problem with this method is you have to make a book disk through ghost, which can be a huge pain. Lucky for you, I think that the boot disk for the IBM is listed in Ghost natively. Unfortunately, you're going to need an IBM external floppy drive to do this, and they aren't cheap.

Your other option is to do what I have been doing lately. Ghost 2003 and above have the ability to work with USB. So, you could actually take the hard drive out of the device you want to image, place in an external USB drive enclosure and connect it to the computer with Ghost on it, and make the image. There is a minor complication for you here too, however. The 4690 uses a Notebook (laptop size) hard drive. So, you'll need an $14 adapter to convert the pins and power from standard IDE to notebook interface. But that's really a minor issue.

Decide which method you think will work best in your case, and I will post some more information for you. If you're comfortable taking the hard drive out, I'd go with USB option. There are less steps, and fewer complications. For that you'll need Ghost 2003 or better, an external hard drive enclosure (without a hard drive, I have seen these as cheap as $25), and the adapter to convert the drive sizes.

Good luck.

I just realized I may have misread your entire post. I thought you were trying make an complete copy of the drive (for use with another 4690). If all you're looking to do is back up, I know Ghost 2003 has this option too.
Thanks for the info.

You didn't misread my post. I want to backup the entire 4690 POS system (controller), OS/application, custom code, 4690 attributes, etc... to CDR.

The controller is just like a PC server, IDE hard drive, floppy drive but 4690 is a proprietary OS and does not support writing to CDR. I know you can back up to CDR with Ghost, I have actually received backed up 4690 systems for restore (from CD), but no-one has been able to tell me how they have backed it up to CDR.

If anyone can tell me step by step (what do you have to do on the 4690 system?), I would appreciate that information.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Well, if you buy ghost it will give you the directions. You will have to f12 boot the machine you are going to copy and then launch a program on the computer that is going to make the copy. If you buy a ghosting software like Symatec Drive Image or Casper, those you can just pull the hard drive out, slave it into another machine, and make a compressed copy there and everytime a terminal dies, you can make a new hard drive there and slap it in and go.


Kentucky phone support-
"Mash the Kentrol key and hit scape."
You need to boot the CPU off of a DOS 6.22 floppy disk. The disk then connects to a different CPU via LAN and the HDD is "ghosted" to the other machine. The image is then burnt to a CD. If you provide me with the controllers model number, I provide you with instructions and the NIC drivers that you can use.

On a side note, I wish that when people respond to questions, then understand the OS, computer system, etc. the the person is asking about.
If you would have been here 6 months ago, we would have been glad to yield to your IBM 4690 wisdom.
I bet when you typed "then understand the OS,.." you meant 'they' instead of 'then' and what is "the the person.."? On a front note I wish new members would practice their typing skills and grammer usage before insulting others who are always here helping.


Kentucky phone support-
"Mash the Kentrol key and hit scape."
Oh, did little Bo get hurt feelings??? I did not realize that this was a "touchy" forum. I'll try to be "nicer" in the future.

As far as my typing skills, I'm sorry if sometimes my studdering transforms itself into my typed responses.

The comments I made were not only to you concerning the useage of the F12 key, but also to AkamaiAloha about the "4690 uses a Notebook (laptop size) hard drive". The IBM 4690 POS system controller pwbhb1965 spoke about uses a standard HDD. Again, I guess that you're just one of those "touchy" people.
All right, this is out of hand.


This is not a high school chat room, if you are looking to impress girls or something, try somewhere else. My guess is the closest you have been to any romantic relations is when your parents conceived you. So the next time you are watching Xena Warrior Princess, and you have the urge to get off the couch to check this forum, don't waste your time.

This forum is full of folks that are here to ask question and help others solve their issues. It is not a panel of experts that are 100% right on everytime, but folks that sincerely want to help, and offer advice. I will admit that I do not know every issue that I offer support on, but if my advice leads someone in the right direction to solve their issue, I am happy. I have not had every one of my issues solved, but every question I have posted has received a response from someone who went out of their way to help me, and that's called being a decent human being.
You're right zahead31! This is out of hand. Your comments would have been acceptable if not for the first paragraph.

If you would come down from your throne and read the entire comment, then you would see that I had a valid point.

As an example, if you were asking a question concerning Linux and someone responded telling you how to do it in Windows XP.

What good would it do you? None
Would it make a difference if they were correct? No

Instead, if you don't know about the subject matter, you don't post a response.

As far as your post, you write just like you were an in-comming high school freshman! The only thing that you could banter on is someone's sexual activity. I guess we know what sites you visit when you're not here! :-D

Remember, next time to trade hands so they don't get jealous of each other.
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