Is there a special procedure for formatting a new tape to be used for Back ups? I have a Call Pilot version 02.01.27 and we just put in a new tape and I am getting the following error.
080511 2106 - Starting backup of 'Full System Backup' to device 'PrimaryServerTape' ...
080511 2106 - The backup device is a local tape drive at \\.\TAPE0
080511 2106 - Error reading from tape, win32 rc=23, MAS rc=41827
080511 2106 - Backup initial estimates: 386 items, 21833484 KB 386 21833484
080511 2106 - Error writing to tape, win32 rc=1, MAS rc=41826
080511 2106 - Could not format tape. Could not write tape header fails 41826
080511 2106 - Could not format the tape. Backup error 41826.
080511 2106 - The backup of 'Full System Backup' failed.
080511 2106 - Starting backup of 'Full System Backup' to device 'PrimaryServerTape' ...
080511 2106 - The backup device is a local tape drive at \\.\TAPE0
080511 2106 - Error reading from tape, win32 rc=23, MAS rc=41827
080511 2106 - Backup initial estimates: 386 items, 21833484 KB 386 21833484
080511 2106 - Error writing to tape, win32 rc=1, MAS rc=41826
080511 2106 - Could not format tape. Could not write tape header fails 41826
080511 2106 - Could not format the tape. Backup error 41826.
080511 2106 - The backup of 'Full System Backup' failed.