I'm tryiung to register a B199 to an IPO v2.
Ipo is in and B199 is in
It has a static IP addr.
Extension and user are properly created in the IPO.
in provissioning server i SET ipo ip addr.
DES is deactivated
Then, when the terminal restarts I set the main account with:
user: extension number
Authentication name: extension number.
Password: the one of the extension at the IPO.
Restart..... and Not Registered.
Any suggestion ??
I'm tryiung to register a B199 to an IPO v2.
Ipo is in and B199 is in
It has a static IP addr.
Extension and user are properly created in the IPO.
in provissioning server i SET ipo ip addr.
DES is deactivated
Then, when the terminal restarts I set the main account with:
user: extension number
Authentication name: extension number.
Password: the one of the extension at the IPO.
Restart..... and Not Registered.
Any suggestion ??