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[b]Automating Import/Export in Peachtree[/b]

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Dec 10, 2002
I've noticed importing/exporting of data is possible with Peachtree, but I'm wondering if the process can be automated?

We want to integrate the creation of invoices in Peachtree with a VB app using an Access DB where the process is seamless to the User.

Whether the invoices are first created in Peachtree hasn't been fully determined, so before continuing we want to make certain automating this process is even possible.

Is PawCon the only solution? All I really want to do is export an invoice to a .csv file (automatically) where my vb app simply reads it and writes to a DB.

Am I asking too much for Peachtree?

I just noticed in VB6 that all that peachtree functionality is available through com. I am looking for documentation on how to use it now
Hi Jim!
I know exactly how you feel and I am realy tired of "Peactree secret structure" and inablity to do "administer" this beast...

NO NO don't spend more $ on "utlity" than on main software...
try: here is simple script I use; just past it into a notpad:
MsgBox, 4, Auto-Exporting From PeachTree, Are you sure you want to continue?
IfMsgBox, NO, Goto, denied

;------------------- Start the PeachTree
RunWait, C:\\Program Files\\Peachtree\\peachw.exe
;------------------- 6 sec "breather" for software to load
Sleep, 6000
WinWaitActivate, Peachtree Accounting
;------------------- Open Company - 1st listed company
Send, {O}
Send, {CTRLUP}
;------------------- Login U#S#E#R
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {TAB 4}
Send, u#s#e#r
Send, {TAB}
Send, p#a#s#s
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, 1000
;------------------- Navigate to Export and use 1st listed Report to export
Send, {ALT}
Send, {DOWN 10}
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {TAB}
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {RIGHT 3}
Send, {ENTER}
Send, {ENTER}
;------------------- Designate the time frame for export (1000 milsec= 1 sec.) 5 minutes
Sleep, 350000
;------------------- Exit PeachTree
Send, {F4}
Send, {ALTUP}



Nice thing about the autoit is that u can complie your script into an "file.exe" whihc u can schedule to run at your will....cheep & dirty but it works as good as PT itself.
WillyKelleher...I think that PAWCOM is based on ActiveX and COM to drill down to nasty PT files
All the best!


ok,ok...I did shoot the deputy but he told me he was the sheriff!
PAWCOM from is a pretty good app. It will give you more functionality than you will need but will allow you to grow if you need to, and it uses access it self. I would suggest you get the FREE demo, which only works with Peachtree sample company and try it out.

WillyKelleher as far as getting DOC about using COM with Peachtree, you wont find it from Peachtree, they do not offer support for it. But if you contact Robert WalRaven who created PAWCOM, he might be able to help you.

Also, the BB at has some great FREE info.
stick with Autoit any general auto-task.

....PAWCOM is more complex and more expesive then PT itself BUT very respected by skilled programmers.

Personally, if I wanted to program or make my own modules and macros....then I would not buy PT at all but make a custom app that will do what I need.

*any app that needs a "plugin"...to do what 90% of people want it ot do...is not a good app. ( especially not when the plugin is more $ then app it self)

All the best!


ok,ok...I did shoot the deputy but he told me he was the sheriff!
lebisol "*any app that needs a "plugin"...to do what 90% of people want it ot do...is not a good app. ( especially not when the plugin is more $ then app it self)" is a strong statement that Peachtree is not doing what 90% of it users want.

If 90% of peachtree users wanted it to do something it would. Peachtree is always taking polls about what users want. They try to give the users what they want. They even have a huge conference in Orlando, FL at the beg of june called Insights, where all kinds of partners, customers/ users were there. We got to tell peachtree what we thought of the new app 2005 before it was shipped. We also go to tell them what we wanted in the app. I gave them several ideas that they said they were actually working on for 2006, I dont want to list them, cause that will jinks it, but we will see.

Also, Peachtree listens to there beta users, which I had a great experience doing.

I would suggest that you sign up to be a beta the next time they do one. Also send your comments and suggestions for enhancements to them. is the place to do it. If you can make it to their next insights meeting, I would suggest it.
nice kjf1973!
thanx for the info!
A lot of times I have faced a "sorry, you cant do that in peachtree" from support and had to find my own ways of pulling data.
But seriosly, wouldn't you agree that any type of "backup of data" should be incuded as "scheduled service"? Data backup is as important (if not more) as it is data validations and entry etc. Would it not be "expected" that I can shedule a backup? DO they really need a "meeting" over this?
PT claimed that there is no way to ODBC into it....I found a way and send them information (tutorial) and yet received not even a confirmation that they got my email?
Why? Maybe since ODBC opens ways to put your data on the web (while they charge for it) or interact with other DBs...
the instances go on...
I just had a bad luck with PT I guess :) but at the same time it is only a few $100s worth of software. It is just frustrating to NOT have compleate control of your own information.
Anyhow, thanx for the link as it is always good to have more sources of information ;-)
I appologise if I came out in "attack mode" :)
All the best!


ok,ok...I did shoot the deputy but he told me he was the sheriff!

As someone who supports clients that use peachtree all over the world (Brazil, Chile, Germany, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, but mostly in the US) I can understand you frustrations with PT. I have had them my self.

While it is true that PT does not allow you to schedule your backups, they do allow you set a reminder. Personally, I think it is an accounting package and its the server/ network admins to backup the data daily. I mean does Excel allow me to schedule backups of my massive spreadsheets that I maintain? Not that I know of. My they are kept on my servers with everything else that I need backed up. So, I schedule the server backups. But I do understand that some users might like the ability to schedule an actual backup. I think you should submit it to them as enchancement, I would suggest you also consider somethings that are gotchas that are releated to it. What if you have a remote user that is still in the database. Does the backup kick them out or does it just not run? If it kicks them out, what about lose of any data they entered. If it should save, what if they have accidently entered something wrong, but not saved it yet. (just somethings to think about, I am sure peachtree will have to)

As for the ODBC, I know they dont support it, but I dont know if they try to prevent it, so they dont make it easy I'm sure. I know they have DDE and COM that can be used to get data in and out of the DB and now have the DDFs that crystal uses. I am not sure who you sent the email to about ODBC, but maybe you could share the info here to use or you can email it to me on my yahoo account. "kjf1973IT" I would be interested in seeing it, I am not a developer, so hopefully it wont be over my head, but maybe I can share it with some of the people I know at peachtree and see what they have to say.

That is too bad that you have had bad experience with PT support in the past, but I have had the chance to meet some of their current top support techs, Support Mgt and even some members of there R&D staff. They really do care about the customers and making the product better. Maybe I am a little biasis cause I am in a support role with my company and I know how hard it is to deal with customers complaining about things I have no control over, but I think if the support teams didnt care they wouldnt be doing that job, I know I wouldnt, cause the customers dont thank us. But when I can help someone fix there computer, network (cabled or wireless), web page or app like peachtree, via the phone or email, it makes me feel good, that I could help and lets me know that I am on the top of my game. ok... enough rambling...

I would suggest giving peachtree support another chance and post your issues here or at There are lots of experienced users out there that like to help when they can and I always try to help when I can and have time, without violating my non discloure agreements I have with my company and the manufactures of the products I support.
OK I will take some of my "angered statements" back :)
I did get an auto-response that confirmed my submittion of comments but that's where it ended. I was hopeing that they will explore it more and parhaps test it or something....anyhow.
I have abandoned the idea of going through ODBC as not all the fields were avaialable that I wanted to use for some of my calcuations and multi-warehousing approach...but just imagine what can it be done if the PT "opens up though ODBC" ;-)
here is some of my old notes:
------about ODBC------
Prevaisve.SQL 2000i does provide ODBC connection to those tables that are not 'proteced' and SQL statements can be executed from other application or databases that support SQL execution.
Your PeachTree (2004) has not beed "tested with the Btrives 7.x engine" but one does get the opion to update (OR NOT) exsiting engines and registry files (not suggested by my side).
Not only that this ODBC connection works (100+ conncurrent connections is defualted) but one can programm on the top of the PT layer on platforms that can publish dynamic data over the web (ASP,JPS,VB...).
ODBC is not the fastest way when it comes to data pull but it sure is a gatway to publishing data over....hm :) ....I think you called it (=integrated it) along with your peachtreewebaccounting.com that runs on ASP......now, ASP CAN use ODBC to connect to most of the DBs....2+2=?
The only problem is that not all the fields and tables are accesible (hint hint) and DDE or Export/Import is the ONLY way to pull data into yet antoher application(DB) that supports appropriate import of files.
Now, if only PT programmers would realise the potential of ODBC then 10+ yrs old of a DB engine might be more apprechiated in develeopers community.

Again, I got so little help that I gave up on trying to poke information so decided to simply make "Server Specific" export/import forms and then execute them using windows scheduler along with "auto_it_file.exe".
Ones my exports are done I can use the CSV file and import it into my other application. BTW, CSV files CAN also be accessed through ODBC if u setup txt driver correctly ;-)

---about backup----
I am aware of data corrutoin on auto-backup concept but that is just antoher reson to build a small function that will run on theory:
-start backup from server side
-IF curruent user count >1 THEN
send MSG to connected users and give 20-30 sec. to save their work
ELSE drop or save their work

or something like that.
I can live with the fact that my "last user" has to re-enter an invoice...what I can't live with is the fact that just because 1 user forgot to close PT will ruin my backup.

so, in lack of PT's ablity
What I have been trying to implment now is actually a "fake" STARTPeach.exe which again is my little Autoit file that:
1. Mapps a network drive to my compnay's folder
2. Starts the actual PeachT.exe

and STOPPeach.exe that:
1.kills the users PT and also disconnects the Mapped drive

then on the Server Side backup would run on:
1. check to see if "sessions/shares" are opend
IF NOT ???? drop them anyways? eeeek :-|

2. then use PT to save a compressed backup of company data

it needs some work but... hey its better than "we are sorry" from Support.
my true frustration is that I have to come up with this and spend my time doing it vs. a team of programmers that works for PT making it a function.
Anyhow, it is part of the battle ;-)
take care!

All the best!


ok,ok...I did shoot the deputy but he told me he was the sheriff!
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