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Avoiding Multiple rows in the section total

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Sep 24, 2003

I have two sections incorporated in my report. One section for Department and the other section for Division. My input parameter is Department. Based on the department, various divisions will be displayed. Each division will have multiple levels. Each level will have several employees.

The report output will have to be displayed as follows:
Section 1: Department = 0026

Section 2: Division = 00261

Level EmplID Illness
00261-1 0001 5
0002 10

00261-1 TOTAL 15

00261-2 010 20

00261-2 TOTAL 20

00261 TOTAL 35

Section 2: Division = 00262

Level EmplID Illness
00262-1 0021 5
0022 10

00262-1 TOTAL 15

00262-2 020 20

00262-2 TOTAL 20

00262 TOTAL 35

0026 TOTAL 70

I'm encountering a problem getting the Department TOTAL display. This row is repeated in both the divisions, though the value is calculated correctly - the sum of two divisions.

i.e., In the above output, after the division total 00261, I get another row as
0026 TOTAL 70.

Please let me know how to avoid this repeated row in the section total.

Could you please let me know at the earliest?

Try Placing the Department total i.e. "0026 TOTAL 70" in the Department Section footer, rather than in the "Division" Section. Since you have more than one values for Division for a particular department, the value repeats for each division in a department.

From the report display you've given I see only one occurance of 0026 Total 70 and not twice i.e. it appears after 00262 Division and not after 00261 Division...

The data is an a table. The department total is under the division section. I am not able to drag and drop the deparment total in the table to the department section. How do I drag a row in a table from one section to another? Is there any alternate way?

The report display that I have specified is the required one. But the department total gets repeated for both the divisions 00261 and 00262.
Let me know how to eliminate this row after each Division (section 2) total?

The best way is to:

1. First switch to structure mode
2. Click in the report
3. You will see the both header and footer lines displayed for the two sections.
4. The number 1 section total should be located UNDER the lowest line displayed.......

Then it will only be displayed once at the end of the report..

T. Blom
Information analyst

The whole table where report output is displayed is under Division (Section 2). In the outline view, when I move the Department (Section 1) total from Section 2 to Section 1, the column displays a computation error. How do I retain the totals?

Hi Anu,

Try to insert a cell from the menu in the section footer of the department and insert the formula for the calculation into the cell and see whether it works for you.

Keep Smiling,
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