I want to know how can i access the outgoing trunk without dialing the access code, resuming i want only to dial the public-network number. I think that i have to change a parameter of the COR or the COS.
You can dial the outgoing trunk either through TAC or through access code. TAC would require the parameter on the trunk form "dial access" to be "y" .
However, you can also use Facility test to make the call provided you have the option to do that in COR. The procedure is simple You need to dial the facility test code followed by the trunk physical port no.(01a1106)where a=1, b=2.. At this step you'll get the network dialtone & you can continue with dialing the no. Note: The no. dialed thru facility test call would override all restriction & would not be reflected in the CDR....#-)
Like kva said.. If it is for an analogue line you can make a hotline with destination (0 or 9) depending on what you have to dial for an outside line. This automatically gives an outside line after which a fax can dial the public network number.
You can use "ARS dialing without FAC" feature, formerly "ARS shurtcut dialing".
Check if it's opened (in customer options form).
If so changed you dialplan - go to any cell and type ars.
The only thing this feature makes - you dial number without fac. This call is threated as ARS call anyway so it's your responsibility to set up proper ARS.
1. "ARS dialing without feature" is disabled by default;
2. The length of the number treated as ARS call is restricted by 6 digits (it's the maximum length of the number in the dialplan of Definity) - often it's not enough.
> 2. The length of the number treated as ARS call...
The length of digits is not restricted so much.
Once you dial such a number your input is treated as ARS and you should continue dialing.
I'm sure because I made such a calls myself (7-digits public number).
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