I'm working with Crystal 8.5 and have a problem of creating a formula which would calculate an average time distance between list of dates. The problem is that the list consists just values of dates not any particular order. For example:
Product Date
a 12-Feb-02
a 1-Apr-02
b 31-Dec-02
c 31-Jan-03
c 28-Feb-03
b 1-Mar-03
a 1-Mar-03
So for example I would have to calculate for product a the average difference between dates 12-Feb-02 to 1-Apr-02 and 1-Apr-02 to 1-Mar-03.
Any help?
Product Date
a 12-Feb-02
a 1-Apr-02
b 31-Dec-02
c 31-Jan-03
c 28-Feb-03
b 1-Mar-03
a 1-Mar-03
So for example I would have to calculate for product a the average difference between dates 12-Feb-02 to 1-Apr-02 and 1-Apr-02 to 1-Mar-03.
Any help?