Well, we'll see - already have my list of existing support site problems ready. Let's see if it is actually functionality improvements or just a new UI over the same underlying site engine.
[li]Using Google search and the additional search term site:support.avaya.com returns much more accurate results than the support site's own search.[/li]
[li]The list of documents or downloads always defaults to the mysterious sort by category "Relevance" rather than the more useful sort by Date. [/li]
[li]Currently, having selected your product and release and language, if you then select all the Content Types it tells you nothing found. You have to deselect something in order to see anything. You can then select all content types to see everything.[/li]
[li]There still some arsehole somewhere who when they add Solutions, adds them to all Content Types so they show even when you don't have that Content Type selected.[/li]
[li]I get to see more document when I search the site without logging in than I do if I log in![/li]
[li]And call me sad, but checking websites is one of my jobs, the site's current pages throw over 140 console warning in the browser when loading. None anything important but that yells lack of care.[/li]
[li]...and as a site user I don't recall any attempt to seek our opinion about what needs to be improved.[/li]
I agree with Sizbut, the UI looks great. I hope the back end search functionalities also improve. 50% of the time I cant find any docs but google works perfectly
The listing page has been fixed. I suspect, as gwebster said, that it was an error relating to the site change (I've been playing with B100 firmware for my sins and they have taken the opportunity to fix some issues with the pages used to list those).
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