We bought a new processor module and a new Voicemail module
a couple of months ago, programmed everything and all was well. Now within a few weeks, a number of our extensions are "invalid" when a caller punches in an extension to call. After the initial greetings where these are invalid, the caller is given the chance to call these same extensions by department name by entering the *8 option, and the call is transferred. What happened to the initial
ability to transfer by extension number alone? Thanks for
your expertise.
a couple of months ago, programmed everything and all was well. Now within a few weeks, a number of our extensions are "invalid" when a caller punches in an extension to call. After the initial greetings where these are invalid, the caller is given the chance to call these same extensions by department name by entering the *8 option, and the call is transferred. What happened to the initial
ability to transfer by extension number alone? Thanks for
your expertise.