I have a customer that has an Avaya Partner system. He has several business out of the same small office. Each business starts with the same first name. For example, say its a yellow taxi cab place with multiple phone numbers....Ex.
Yellow Cab has the phone number 1234567
Yellow Courier Service has the phone number 2345678
Yellow Medical Delivery has the phone number 3456789.
The problem he was having is that people will look up the "Yellow" and just call the 1st number, instead of seeing what business it was. So they would have to say please hang up and call 3456789.
My solution (I thought), was to install a voicemail card and use the auto attendant and make them dial 1, 2, or 3 for the correct business.
Then it got messy, because he had multiple phones that would answer the 1st business and so on.
So I thought I had a solution again, by using groups 71, 72, 73 and assigning the extensions to the correct groups and then they could dial 1, 2, or 3 to get to that group.
Gets messier,,,,, Sometimes other depts. or companies would answer the others calls when busy or to help out. So they used to just have all phones ring for all businesses, then they would see what line it was ringing in on and they would answer accordingly. Not all depts. are in the same office area, so that's why sometimes they would have to tell the customer to hang up and dial the different number.
Any ideas for making this similar to that before? Is there a way to do distinctive ring after the AA? Or when they dial 1, 2, or 3, it would ring in on a programmed button that was labeled so they know what company it it?????
I am racking my head, hoping someone has a suggestion.
Thank you.
Yellow Cab has the phone number 1234567
Yellow Courier Service has the phone number 2345678
Yellow Medical Delivery has the phone number 3456789.
The problem he was having is that people will look up the "Yellow" and just call the 1st number, instead of seeing what business it was. So they would have to say please hang up and call 3456789.
My solution (I thought), was to install a voicemail card and use the auto attendant and make them dial 1, 2, or 3 for the correct business.
Then it got messy, because he had multiple phones that would answer the 1st business and so on.
So I thought I had a solution again, by using groups 71, 72, 73 and assigning the extensions to the correct groups and then they could dial 1, 2, or 3 to get to that group.
Gets messier,,,,, Sometimes other depts. or companies would answer the others calls when busy or to help out. So they used to just have all phones ring for all businesses, then they would see what line it was ringing in on and they would answer accordingly. Not all depts. are in the same office area, so that's why sometimes they would have to tell the customer to hang up and dial the different number.
Any ideas for making this similar to that before? Is there a way to do distinctive ring after the AA? Or when they dial 1, 2, or 3, it would ring in on a programmed button that was labeled so they know what company it it?????
I am racking my head, hoping someone has a suggestion.
Thank you.