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Avaya CCR - An unexpected error occurred which has been logged.

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Technical User
May 10, 2009

Hi there,

I installed Avaya CCR and everything was working 100% , stats, reports wallboards. 3 days later I now find if web browse to the


I get an error message saying

"An unexpected error occurred which has been logged.

Please report this error to your IPOCCR System Administrator."

I have tried everything from rebooting the server / ip office , stopping and restarting services, etc to uninstalling and reinstalling the SQL and Avaya CCR but the problem remains.

No changes to the Avaya CCR were made before it stopped working.

Windows Server 2003 for Small Business Server Service Pack 2
SQL Server Express 2008 R2
Avaya CCR

What error does the event viewer show you?

Try this:

create a batch file with this code in it:
Echo off


start close.vbs

Echo The CCR services will stop now.

Echo off

net stop "Avaya IPOCCR Alarm Keep Alive Service"
net stop "Avaya IPOCCR Data Analyser Service"
net stop "Avaya IPOCCR Printer Discovery Service"
net stop "Avaya IPOCCR Real Time Database Monitor"
net stop "Avaya IPOCCR Real Time Service"

Echo IIS will have a reset now.


start ClearEventLog.vbs

Echo The CCR services will start now.


net start "Avaya IPOCCR Alarm Keep Alive Service"
net start "Avaya IPOCCR Data Analyser Service"
net start "Avaya IPOCCR Printer Discovery Service"
net start "Avaya IPOCCR Real Time Database Monitor"
net start "Avaya IPOCCR Real Time Service"

echo CCR should be running fine again.

Then create a vbscript with this code in it:

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Backup)}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile Where LogFileName='Application'")
For Each objLogfile in colLogFiles
    errBackupLog = objLogFile.BackupEventLog("C:\Logs" & year(Now) & "_" & month(Now) & "_" & day(Now) & "_" & hour(now) & "_" & minute(now) & ".evt")

The batch file will stop the services and give IIS a reset.
While the IIS reset is going on the event viewer will be cleared.
Then the services are started.

Sometimes the even viewer needs to be cleared to get CCR running again.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!
I see a little mistake.

remove the "start close.vbs" part in the batch file.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

I ended up making some process by uninstalling everything (CCR, SQL, .NET etc) and re installing.

I now have everything working apart from the reports. The reports will not work at all! I am missing the 6 icons along the top to select what type of report to run. None of the interactive buttons work like selecting the date, or queue / agent etc. Pretty much not getting any response from anything on the reports page.

Other tek tip users seem to have experienced the exact same problem but was related to Windows Server 2008 / Vista / Windows 7. This is on Windows Server 2003 and XP machines.

Any Ideas?
What else is running on that server?
It looks like issues that are created by other applications.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!
Please, i am having the same issue here.On event log ID is 4001 from source Avaya IPOCCR Client cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
I dont have any printer connected to the local computer.Do I need have to connect a printer before can view reports?.
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