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Avay Digital Ports Become Out of Service when not used 1

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Jul 28, 2014
We have Avaya digital ports that will disable or go out of service when they have not been used in a certain (undetermined) amount of time. You can plug a phone in to merge, but have power and no dial tone… if you know the port you can bounce it,,, assign it to the phone in programming and it will activate… If you don’t know the port, you literally have to tone out the port to find it… and then bounce it… this seemed to start happening after an upgrade we had, so I feel like it may be something in the nightly routines or ?? that can be turned on or off based on customer need? I am familiar with this feature on Nortel systems, but not Avaya… can this be turned off, and if so where? Thanks for any help any one may have!
Hi ... Yes, we use that feature now... to merge and de-merge... that feature is on... but these ports do not have a dial tone, so therefore you can not dial the merge code.... Thank you!
or do you mean that will correct the issue? I guess i am not clear what you meant.. sorry....

Terminal Translation Initialization Merge Code: 128 Separation Code: 129

These are our codes.. so i am thinking this is the TTI feature which is on... not sure where that is, but we use it so it must be. These ports when not used for awhile, have power but no dial tone... until you bounce them....

All i am sure of is when you need to plug in a phone and merge it, you cant cause the port is there, has power, is completely cross connected to where you need it, but no dial tone, which i am referring to as out of service or disabled, just not sure if that is the right word.....

Thank you!

do you have a default TN and COR for dissociated ports? If so, you should be able to dial another extension and that other extension should show the physical port of the phone that's calling.
I am not sure of that... but i am unable to dial from that station as it has no dial tone... i may not be understanding you properly ...?
normally we have a phantom extension that we will merge onto a port to see what it is ... we do #0 not sure if that is default, but it will show the extension and port... but these ports don't have any dial tone, that is the issue... you cant do anything unless you already know the port... otherwise, i have no solution except to trace them out... which is a waste of time of course, and these are working connected ports, just when they have not been used in a while this is what happens..... i hope i am making sense!
if you're all tn2224, say you did a list conf circ tn2224
Any ports marked b for bad?

Is it every disconnected port? could it really be a bad port? what if you X port a known station on a known good port? does it get dial tone?
Hello.... first thank you so much! And yes, everything works normally... i have a database, so if i know the port number, i can plug the phone in, go into the ASA and assign the port to the extension... and it will activate...... So the port is fine, just "asleep" for lack of a better word.... and in all cases these are ports that have not been used for some time, at least 30 days or more... So it is random across all of our cards and boards... but again, it only started after a particular upgrade, is why i feel it is a parameter that might be turned on by default and was never turned off by our vendor when they did the upgrade.....

Thank you again!
maybe some maintenance set it to busy them out after X time.

Those ports with error 18 are busied out. If you've got some, you can try reproducing your problem if you busy a port on a known good phone and get the same result.
You can 'release board' and it'll release any ports that happen to be busied

display errors                                                  Page   1 of   1
                                  ERROR REPORT

      The following options control which errors will be displayed.
         ERROR TYPES

            Error Type: 18            Error List: errors


            Interval: a      From:   /  /  :   To:   /  /  :

         EQUIPMENT TYPE ( Choose only one, if any, of the following )
                       Media Gateway:
                        Port Network:
                        Board Number:
                            Category: stations
              Trunk ( group/member ):     /
Kyle.. really? how do you mark bad where any command shows "b" for a bad port?

list conf circ tn2224
Any ports marked b for bad?

you can mark a port
you can clear a port
you can list marked-ports

try assigning marked ports will return an error "xxxx" Port has been marked bad; please select another

list config only shows marked ports as "u" unassigned.
list config can also show port as "m" maintenance (usually signature for software corruption)

display port xxxxxx that shows as "m" will return "error encountered, can't complete request; check errors before retrying"

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
Good morning, thank you so much for your reply! I appreciate all of that help... These are not bad ports... they are just ports that have not been used ...... whoever sat there moved for example... they unmerge their phone and they are gone.... no one sits there for say a month.... when i plug in a phone to merge the new employees phone, the phone has power but no dial tone..... in most cases i know the port, from my 911 data base, so i have to then go back to the terminal... find the port.... and then go ahead and type the port onto the station..... as soon as I "bounce" it as i call that, it activates and is fine....

I would like to turn off the maintenance command that "disables" "de-activates" "puts to sleep" whatever that status is that they are in.... In the cases if I don't have the port, i have to tone out the jack just like it had never been connected, in order to find the port, and then i can bounce it....

I am not sure if this is making sense... I don't have bad ports... just sleepy ports who wont wake up lol!!!! Thank you again for any help....
What circuit-pack type is this happening with? Please provide HW / FW versions as well.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]
Hello and thank you....

23D13 DIGITAL LINE TN2224B 000003 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 p
p 10 p 12 13 14 15 16
17 p 19 20 21 22 23 p

I am not sure if that is the info needed... I am not sure of the command i use to look at the other info...

Yesterday 23D1317 was the culprit.. I plug the phone in, it has power but no dial tone... The display actually flashes on and off if you watch it... like it has power then no power and then power....


Thank you!!
There were all kinds of issues with tn2224B and tn2224CP circuit packs

Issues are more likely to be hardware design/malfunction. This is most certainly not a pbx feature.
PSA and TTI ports should always work as well as an assigned DCP port to provide dialtone.

tn2224CP should be updated to latest FW

Readme tn2224CP

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


45 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 35 years and counting
[URL unfurl="true"]http://bshtele.com[/url]

Thank you!! that makes sense in light of what you are saying... The older packs worked fine until we had the upgrade and they were even less compatible... I will run with this... Glad to know what it is, and that it is not something that can be turned on or off....

totally appreciate your help! Have a great rest of your week!
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