Please help!!!
Have a site where I have deployed TVD latest version (7 Enterprise), and NEED Autoupdate Architect to work. Updating direct from client PCs is not an option.
Problem is, server is NT 4 SBS 4.5, and although it had IE6 SP1 installed, Autoupdate will not work correctly - when I try to use it, I get a load of script errors. I don't have the numbers to hand, as I am no loger on site.
This was mentioned in the release notes to be a problem if not using IE6 SP1, however I do not understand, as IE6 SP1 was already installed. I installed it again, as I had it with me on CD, but same problem. I am able to navigate around, and click past errors to add a master repository, and also do a PULL NOW to get updates, but when I try to add a schedule option, the addschedulewizard will not run, due to the script errors.
I cannot find an anwser on NAI's site, and havent got a registered Prime Support number yet - can anyone help????
Have a site where I have deployed TVD latest version (7 Enterprise), and NEED Autoupdate Architect to work. Updating direct from client PCs is not an option.
Problem is, server is NT 4 SBS 4.5, and although it had IE6 SP1 installed, Autoupdate will not work correctly - when I try to use it, I get a load of script errors. I don't have the numbers to hand, as I am no loger on site.
This was mentioned in the release notes to be a problem if not using IE6 SP1, however I do not understand, as IE6 SP1 was already installed. I installed it again, as I had it with me on CD, but same problem. I am able to navigate around, and click past errors to add a master repository, and also do a PULL NOW to get updates, but when I try to add a schedule option, the addschedulewizard will not run, due to the script errors.
I cannot find an anwser on NAI's site, and havent got a registered Prime Support number yet - can anyone help????