My XP Home will popup a screen asking for required action when I put a removable ram drive in..but when I put a CD or DVD in it looks like its doing something ( cursor flashes a bit. but nothing results). I've set the autoplay setting in the device manager in My Computer but still I cant get CD or DVD's to do this function.
My PC is an new Intel Duo on an ASUS PCIXpress motherboard.
My friend has the same PC setup and he has the same problem.
I've tried the Microsoft Autofix program but it jsut says all seems Ok but it cant fix the problem (unknown)
My PC is an new Intel Duo on an ASUS PCIXpress motherboard.
My friend has the same PC setup and he has the same problem.
I've tried the Microsoft Autofix program but it jsut says all seems Ok but it cant fix the problem (unknown)