We do a cold backup of our database on Sundays. Every Monday I have to manually restart the CMS. I copied the following command line from the properties box:
\\server\P$\CE10\Enterprise 10\win32_x86\CrystalMS.exe -service -name psat02.cms -restart -noauditor
This command works from the Crystal Configuration Manager.
I created the following cmd file:
cd CE10\Enterprise 10\win32_x86
CrystalMS.exe -service -name psat02.cms -restart -noauditor
When I execute the .cmd file it does not stop and restart CMS. Does anyone know what the trick to this is ?
Thank you for any help,
We do a cold backup of our database on Sundays. Every Monday I have to manually restart the CMS. I copied the following command line from the properties box:
\\server\P$\CE10\Enterprise 10\win32_x86\CrystalMS.exe -service -name psat02.cms -restart -noauditor
This command works from the Crystal Configuration Manager.
I created the following cmd file:
cd CE10\Enterprise 10\win32_x86
CrystalMS.exe -service -name psat02.cms -restart -noauditor
When I execute the .cmd file it does not stop and restart CMS. Does anyone know what the trick to this is ?
Thank you for any help,